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  1. 他称宝丽来照相机是老天爷特意为他的工作赐予的宝贝。

    He called the Polaroid camera a godsend to his work

  2. 宝丽来胶卷感光性非常强。

    Polaroid film is very sensitive .

  3. 我给他们拍了一张宝丽来照片,这样他们走后我能留作纪念。

    I took a Polaroid of them so I could remember them when they were gone .

  4. 在大型的电气零售店里,富士InstaxMini7宝丽来相机的售价大约为400元人民币。

    Fujifilm Instax Mini 7 Polaroid camera retails for around RMB 400 ( US $ 62 ) from large electronics retailers .

  5. 我最喜欢讲述的是宝丽来的例子:拍立得相机的灵感产生于发明者埃德温·H·兰德(EdwinH.Land)3岁的女儿在上世纪40年代中期提出的一个问题。

    The Polaroid story is my favorite : The inspiration for the instant camera sprang from a question asked in the mid-1940s by the 3-year-old daughter of its inventor , Edwin H. Land .

  6. 安迪沃霍尔基金会(AndyWarholFoundation)与我们接洽,想要对全部类别的藏品进行拍卖,包括严肃画作、纸上作品、照片以及宝丽来作品。

    The Andy Warhol Foundation came to us because they wanted to monetize their collection , including serious paintings , works on paper , photographs , Polaroids & the entire range .

  7. 包括雅芳(AvonProducts)、通用电气(GeneralElectric)、柯达(Kodak)和宝丽来(Polaroid)在内的“漂亮50”(NiftyFifty)拥趸者们建议买进持有。

    Buy them and never sell , advised the boosters of the ' nifty fifty , ' the roll call of which included Avon products ( AVP ) , General Electric ( GE ) , Kodak , and polaroid .

  8. Instagram自2010年创立,是一款在线移动应用,供使用者分享正方形的宝丽来式图片或15秒钟的视频,目前全世界使用者超过三亿。

    Instagram , which started in 2010 , is an online mobile app that allows users to share square , Polaroid-style images and 15-second videos , with a network of more than 300 million users worldwide .

  9. 皇后区埃尔姆赫斯特的茶杯咖啡店(TeaCupCafe)除了有一堆布娃娃和宝丽来相机外,还供应充满绿茶的冰激凌,它是军绿色的,尝起来像烧焦了;这里的泰式冰激凌是绚丽的橙色,带有淡淡的花香味。

    and at Tea Cup Cafe in Elmhurst , Queens , which serves , amid a clutter of Blythe dolls and Polaroids , ice creams suffused with green tea , military in color and tasting almost burned , and Thai thea , garish orange with a distant floral tinge .

  10. 麦克这一生一大部分时间都在挑战肯尼迪遇刺案的官方说法,仔细研究宝丽来(Polaroid)照片和警方记录,以期找到凶手的杀人动机。

    Gary Mack spent much of his life challenging officialdom on the JFK assassination , poring over Polaroid pictures and police recordings to find a plot behind the president 's murder .

  11. 宝丽来的埃德温·兰德后来告诉他,艾森豪威尔曾要求自己帮助制造U-2侦察机上的照相机,来监视苏联的威胁。

    Edwin Land of Polaroid later told him about being asked by Eisenhower to help build the U-2 spy plane cameras to see how real the Soviet threat was .

  12. 2009年和2010年期间杉本博司在做一个名为色彩(Couleurs)的项目,他记得当时自己每天早晨五点半起床,用一台旧的宝丽来相机(Polaroid)捕捉东京清晨的光线。

    In 2009 and 2010 , working on the ' Couleurs ' project , he recalled waking up at 5:30 a.m. to capture Tokyo 's morning light with an old Polaroid .

  13. 性感的安吉莉娜嘴上叼着一根香烟,她的小腹露在宝丽来相机的闪光灯下,这张照片由时尚摄影师SanteD'Orazio.

    A sultry-looking Angelina poses with a cigarette between her teeth and her midriff exposed in the Polaroid ' tester snap ' taken by fashion photographer Sante D'Orazio

  14. 宝丽来公司很快就学会了如何产生出清晰的黑白色图像。

    The company soon learned how to produce crisp black-and-white images .

  15. 那张宝丽来彩照一直提醒着他自己的目标。

    The colored piece of paper was a constant reminder of his goal .

  16. 像甩宝丽来照片一样甩动身躯吧,宝贝。

    Yeah , yeah , shake it like a polaroid picture , baby .

  17. 你用宝丽来一次成像照相机拍的这些照片吗?

    Did you take these with a polaroid ?

  18. 人们很喜欢宝丽来立拍得拍摄的照片,可以把它作为当场可以送出去的礼物。

    A portrait delivered instantly on a Polaroid camera is a much-appreciated , on-the-spot gift .

  19. 这是架宝丽来快速相机。

    This is a Polaroid Land camera .

  20. 这是用宝丽来相机拍摄的,这就意味着不可能是双重曝光后的照片。

    It was taken with a Polaroid camera , meaning double exposure is very unlikely .

  21. 宝丽来相机最初拍摄的照片非常小,呈褐色,并不十分稳定,绝对称不上优雅。

    The first polaroid pictures were small , brownish , not terribly stable , and anything but elegant .

  22. 她将帮助开发新的宝丽来相机和其他商品,利用她的签名怪人的风格。

    She 's going to help develop new Polaroid cameras and other merchandise , using her signature kooky style .

  23. 最出色的一张照片是用宝丽来相机拍的一张快照,照片上我们俩躺在童床上。

    The picture that stood out the most was a Polaroid snapshot of the two of us in the crib hugging each other .

  24. 美国最具创造力的发明家之一埃德温。兰德说,使他产生发明宝丽来相机这一想法的是他三岁的女儿。

    Edwin Land , one of America 's most productive inventors , claimed the idea leading to his invention of the Polaroid camera came from his three-year-old daughter .

  25. 上世纪40年代,宝丽来公司转换经营领域,为美国陆军生产了数百万副护目镜,同时还为美军飞机提供轰炸瞄准器。

    In the 1940s , Polaroid shifted gears and churned out millions of pairs of goggles for the army , along with bombsight optics for U.S. military aircraft .

  26. 但麦克并未灰心,而是将注意力放在案发期间拍摄的一张宝丽来照片上,这张照片似乎显示一个身上戴有徽章的人以狙击手的姿势蹲伏着。

    But Mr. Mack was undaunted and seized on a Polaroid taken during the assassination that appears to show a man with a badge crouching in a sniper position .

  27. 一位时尚摄影师仅用一台宝丽来相机拍摄了世界上最美女性那些令人惊叹的照片,并将这些照片刊登在他的新书上。

    A fashion photographer who has captured some of the world 's most beautiful women in stunning photographs using just a Polaroid camera has published his favourite shots in a new book .

  28. 他说,“然后我看到了我的偶像之一,宝丽来创始人埃德温·兰德(EdwinLand)说的一些话,是关于既揎长人文又能驾驭科学的人的重要性的,

    he said . " Then I read something that one of my heroes , Edwin Land of Polaroid , said about the importance of people who could stand at the intersection of humanities and sciences ,

  29. 正如她那些著名的黑白宝丽来照片(书中就有一些),《M列车》的章节就像一帧帧神奇的幻灯,在过去与现在,乃至不同主题之间自由自在地连接,不住跳跃闪回。

    Like her famous black-and-white Polaroid photos ( some of which are scattered throughout the book ) , the chapters of " M Train " are magic lantern slides , jumping , free-associatively , between the present and the past , and from subject to subject .