
bǎo shí
  • gemstone;gem;bijou;jewel;precious stone;rock;brilliant;jasper
宝石 [bǎo shí]
  • [gemstone;gem;precious stone] 指那种经过琢磨和抛光后,可以达到珠宝要求的石料或矿物

  • 装嵌宝石。--《广东军务记》

宝石[bǎo shí]
  1. 这块宝石高28.6毫米,重139.43克拉。

    The gemstone is 28.6 millimetres high and weighs 139.43 carats .

  2. 宝石的V形琢型加工工艺

    Processing Technology of V-Shaped Cut of Gemstone

  3. 项链镶嵌着海蓝宝石。

    A necklace set with aquamarines .

  4. 一对宝石耳环会让这件礼服更出彩而又不失简洁。

    A pair of jewelled earrings will liven up this dress without detracting from its simplicity .

  5. 他保险箱里有一个嵌满贵重宝石的王冠。

    There is a crown set with precious jewels in his safe .

  6. 那些大块的宝石一百个人都搬不动。

    Those jewels are so gigantic a hundred men could not carry them .

  7. 这些宝石穿在一根银链上。

    These jewels are strung together on a silver chain .

  8. 按最低的评估这块宝石也值200美元。

    The lowest estimate would put the worth of the jewel at $ 200 .

  9. 他花了大笔钱给太太买了一块宝石。

    He spent important money on a small jewel for his wife .

  10. 她领口上别着一个宝石别针。

    She wore a jewelled brooch at the neck of her dress .

  11. 他拿一块假宝石冒充真宝石去骗顾客。

    He played off a mere stone as a genuine gem upon customers .

  12. 他有一颗价格昂贵的宝石。

    He has a jewel of great worth .

  13. 我国盛产肉桂、丁香、生姜、胡椒和宝石。

    My country is rich in cinnamon , cloves , ginger , pepper , and precious stones .

  14. 其实呢,只有我跟他两人知道,他是去取月亮宝石。

    He went to fetch the moonstone , as was privately known to himself and to me .

  15. 这些色彩斑斓的宝石构成了不列颠哥伦比亚的田园,是营养保护的小天地。

    These colourful and sweet jewels form British Columbia 's fields are little powerhouses of nutritional protection .

  16. 玻璃、宝石和胡萝卜、芝麻等食物也从西方运来。

    And from the west came glass , gems and food like carrots and sesame .

  17. 这位宝石专家在评估宝石的价值之前会考虑几项要点。

    The lapidary considers several features of stones before assessing their value .

  18. 宝石盛产于云南南部的群山之中.

    The mountains in the south of Yunnan teemed1 with precious stones .

  19. 许多人在前额上挂着宝石,手臂上戴着金饰。

    Many have gems adorning their foreheads , and gold bands on their arms .

  20. 宝石商人仔细察看钻石有无瑕庇来自《现代英汉综合大词典》

    The jeweler scrutinized the diamond for flaws .

  21. 他是一位宝石鉴定家,专门切割,磨光,及雕刻珍贵的钻石。

    He is a professional lapidary who cuts , polishes and engraves precious stones .

  22. 这颗宝石我可买不起。

    The gem is beyond my pocket .

  23. 镶有宝石的皇冠

    a crown studded with gems

  24. 宝石类有水晶、玛瑙、翡翠、碧玉、钻石、红宝石和蓝宝石等等。各种宝石都是玲珑剔透、璀璨晶莹

    Lapidary kind crystal , agate , halcyon , jasper , diamond , ruby and sapphirine are waited a moment .

  25. 掷下的石头大小不一,人们捡回家后,去掉其中的顽石,剩下的便是上好的宝石。

    The stones thrown down were different in size , which people took home . After they threw off the common stones , what remained were the superior precious stones .

  26. 和氏回答说:“我不是因为失去双脚而哭泣,而是因为国王把宝石当做石头,把忠诚说成欺骗,所以才这样伤心。”

    He Shi answered : " I am not weeping for losing both my feet . I am broken-hearted because the King takes the jade for a piece of stone , and my loyalty4 for deceit . "

  27. 由于山高坡陡,人无法直接爬上去,为了获取宝石,当地人用弹弓不停的朝山顶上的猿猴射击。

    Since the mountains were high and steep . People could not climb up directly . In order to get the precious stones , the native people kept shooting at the monkeys , which were at the top of the mountains , with catapult .

  28. Q开关紫翠宝石激光治疗4656例色素性皮肤病临床分析

    Clinical Efficacy of Q-Switched Alexandrite Laser for Pigmentary Skin Diseases in 4656 Patients

  29. 用X射线能谱仪对一些宝石、玉石样品进行了成分分析,并测试了磁化率。

    Composition analysis by X ray EDS and magnetic susceptibility test for different kinds of gems and jades are carried out .

  30. 钛宝石泵浦的Yb∶YAG晶体的激光性能

    Ti ∶ sapphire pumped yb ∶ yag laser performance