
  • 网络bollywood
  1. 从很早开始,YouTube就说服宝莱坞的制片公司和电视网络在其平台上免费提供一些资源。

    Early on , YouTube persuaded Bollywood studios and TV networks to put material on the service free .

  2. 尽管巴基斯坦对印度电影的禁令已实施了40年,但印度电影在巴基斯坦深受大众喜爱。兴盛的DVD市场和卫星电视使巴基斯坦人在家中也可以欣赏宝莱坞制作的影片。

    Indian films are hugely popular in Pakistan , and a flourishing bootleg DVD industry and satellite television mean Pakistanis can now watch Bollywood movies at home .

  3. 宝莱坞产出靠前的Eros国际公司是第一批对YouTube模式发起挑战的公司。

    Eros International , one of Bollywood 's most prolific studios , was among the first to challenge the YouTube model .

  4. 除了形容词gigantic与enormous的合成词ginormous(特大的;甭提有多大)外,Bollywood(宝莱坞)、sudoku(“数独”九宫格游戏)和speeddating(速配)也被收入词典。

    Along with embracing the adjective that combines " gigantic " and " enormous ," the dictionary publishers also got into Bollywood , sudoku and speed dating .

  5. 部分支出用于在电视上为微信打广告,包括在印度邀请宝莱坞演员主演的广告,在欧洲地区邀请利昂内尔•梅西(LionelMessi)出演的广告,以及在其他地区推出的WeChatGuy广告。

    It partly goes on WeChat TV ads featuring Bollywood actors in India , Lionel Messi in Europe and ( er ) WeChat Guy elsewhere .

  6. IMGlobal在北京有一个办事处,经手中国大片如《美人鱼》在海外的发行,充分利用好莱坞和新兴市场(如中国和印度宝莱坞市场)之间不断发展的双向流动。

    Taking advantage of the growing two-way flows between Hollywood and emerging markets , such as the Chinese and Bollywood markets , IM Global operates a Beijing office and has handled the foreign distribution of hits in China such as The Mermaid .

  7. 由宝莱坞明星阿米尔·汗(AamirKhan)领衔主演的《摔跤吧!爸爸》(Dangal),是第一部在中国取得巨大票房成功的印度影片。

    Featuring the Bollywood star Aamir Khan , " Dangal " was India 's first big hit at the Chinese box office .

  8. 有关宝莱坞(Bollywood)和板球等鲜为人知的事实的小测验,似乎是一种不同寻常的开启美国和印度员工之间电话会议的方式。

    A quiz on arcane facts about Bollywood and cricket might seem an unusual way to start a teleconference between workers in the US and India .

  9. 出现问题之前,曾有大批资金涌入宝莱坞,大型企业也纷纷进驻,其中包括印度亿万富翁安尼尔安巴尼(anilambani)旗下的信实娱乐(reliancebigentertainment)。

    The problems have come after Bollywood saw an influx of funds and the entry of large business houses , such as Reliance Big Entertainment , controlled by Anil Ambani , the billionaire businessman .

  10. 他说:宝莱坞的电影都是关于爱情的,那也是我们把公司按照希腊爱神的名字命名为Eros的原因。

    Bollywood movies are all about love and that is why we called the company Eros , after the Greek god of love , he says .

  11. 对位科技市场研究(CounterpointTechnologyMarketResearch)的董事尼尔?沙阿(NeilShah)指出,要想在印度夺取市场份额就得烧钱,比如说华为的竞争对手OPPO和vivo在宝莱坞和板球赞助方面已经投了数亿美元。

    Winning share in India means spending big , says Neil Shah , director at Counterpoint Technology Market Research , noting that rivals such as Oppo and Vivo are shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars on Bollywood and cricket sponsorships .

  12. 这个酋长国将于今日公布成为全球最大电影制作者之一的计划,投资10亿美元在好莱坞(Hollywood)和宝莱坞(Bollywood)等地进行电影制作。

    The emirate will today set out plans to become one of the world 's largest film producers , with $ 1bn to invest in productions to be made in Hollywood , Bollywood and beyond .

  13. 伴着没完没了的曲子,幕布内外的演员们围成圈子慢慢地跳着舞……在ShammiKapoor到来之前,这些都是宝莱坞的老一套。

    the slowly circling dance of attendants in and out of curtains to some interminable tune . That was old Bollywood , before Shammi Kapoor came along .

  14. 上周北美票房的最大赢家非吸血鬼大片《暮光之城》的终结篇莫属,然而一部异军突起的印度宝莱坞电影却意外的闯进了榜单的top10。

    The final chapter of the blockbuster Twilight vampire franchise took the biggest bite out of North America 's weekend box office - while a Bollywood film made a rare showing in the top 10 .

  15. 此前,北美票房榜一直都是由好莱坞电影包揽的,这部印度宝莱坞电影竟然以130万美元的票房跻身进入了票房榜top10的第8名,这一现象罕见至极。

    The movie entered the top 10 at No.8 , taking $ 1.3 million at the box office , a rare appearance for a Bollywood film in box office rankings usually dominated by Hollywood productions .

  16. 《芝麻街》(SesameStreet)2006年夏季才登陆印度,名字变为《加利加利西姆西姆》(GaliGaliSimSim),并新加入了一只喜欢跳邦拉舞的狮子布恩巴(Boombah)。邦拉舞是印度宝莱坞电影中常见的一种舞蹈。

    Sesame Street didn 't arrive in India until the summer of 2006 , as ' Gali Gali Sim Sim , ' and introduced Boombah , an aristocratic lion fond of bhangra , a style of dancing seen in Bollywood films .

  17. 宝莱坞影星布米卡·辛格(BhumickaSingh)也是这个诉讼团体的成员,她表示:“光之山不只是一颗105克拉的钻石,还是印度历史和文化的一部分。英国无疑应当归还。”

    Bollywood star Bhumicka Singh , also part of the group , said : " The Koh-i-noor is not just a 105-carat stone , but part of our history and culture and should undoubtedly be returned . "

  18. 不像其他的年轻演员,阿沛Deol已为宝莱坞自己的规则。

    Unlike other young actors , Abhay Deol has made his own rules for Bollywood .

  19. 虽然体格迷你,Jyoti却憧憬着开始自己的宝莱坞电影事业,以此庆祝加冕世界最矮女性的头衔。

    And despite her miniature stature , Jyoti hopes to celebrate being crowned the world 's shortest woman by launching a Bollywood movie career .

  20. 他告诉法新社的记者:在美国,几乎每一周都有一部新的宝莱坞电影发行上线,也确实有一批非常忠实的宝莱坞电影追随者。这些电影中不时也会有进入top10的情况。

    Bollywood does have a very loyal following in the US as almost every week there is a new Bollywood film in limited release , and every now and then they do open in the top 10 , he told AFP .

  21. 这家总部设在孟买的公司是在1977年由卢拉的父亲阿扬(Arjan)创建。当时,公司购买宝莱坞电影的版权,然后在国外进行销售。

    The Mumbai-based company was founded by his father , Arjan , in 1977 to buy Bollywood film rights and sell them abroad .

  22. 对去年11月孟买恐怖袭击案中唯一幸存嫌犯的审判还未开始,一家宝莱坞(bollywood)电影公司已准备在几周后发布相关影片。

    The trial of the only surviving alleged terrorist from the attacks on Mumbai last November has barely started , yet one Bollywood film house is already preparing to release a movie on the trial in the coming weeks .

  23. 明年将在两部宝莱坞电影中亮相的新进女星Jyoti对《太阳报》说:“我想成为大家的开心果。”

    Budding actress Jyoti , who is set to appear in two Bollywood films next year , told The Sun : " I want to make people happy . "

  24. 纠正措施包括,新德里希望北京撤销对印度信息技术、宝莱坞(Bollywood)电影以及新鲜食品出口的限制,并增加印度企业在中国医药与IT行业的投资机会。

    Among other measures , New Delhi wants Beijing to end restrictions on Indian exports of information technology , Bollywood films and fresh food . It wants greater investment opportunities for Indian companies in sectors such as pharmaceuticals and IT .

  25. 维权行动由印度前总理的儿子拉胡尔·甘地(RahulGandhi)和一些宝莱坞明星发起。女星古尔·潘纳格(GulPanag)还退出了韦丹塔的一项市场营销活动。

    The cause was taken up by Rahul Gandhi , the son of a former prime minister , as well as by Bollywood stars such as Gul Panag , who withdrew from a Vedanta marketing campaign .

  26. 我记忆中第一次穿布卡大约是在少年时期,当时我和母亲一同前往位于新德里家附近的一个市场,一群男人开始对我们怪叫,吹口哨,还唱起宝莱坞(Bollywood)的歌曲。

    I first felt myself donning this burqa sometime in my midteens as I walked with my mother to the market near our home in New Delhi and a group of young men started hooting , whistling and singing Bollywood songs .

  27. 她惊人的相似,演员的前火焰艾西瓦娅雷确保Sneha在向宝莱坞门1尺的对面幸运萨勒曼的领导作用:没有2005年的爱时间。

    Her startling resemblance to the actor 's ex-flame Aishwarya Rai ensured Sneha a foot in the door to Bollywood with a lead role opposite Salman in Lucky : No Time for Love in2005 .

  28. 周日晚,他和另外两位主演(亚尼·卡普和宝拉·巴顿),参加了一个在孟买举行的特别的电影首映。到场的还有宝莱坞一线明星、AbhishekBachchan,SonamKapoor,NeilNitinMukesh和电影《KolaveriDifame》中的Dhanus。

    The actor attended a special screening of the film in Mumbai on Sunday evening with co-stars Anil Kapoor and Paula Patton.Bollywood A-listers Abhishek Bachchan , Sonam Kapoor , Neil Nitin Mukesh and Dhanush of Kolaveri Di fame were also present .

  29. 他的拥趸包括小说家阿尔都斯·赫胥黎(AldousHuxley)、女演员安妮特·贝宁(AnnetteBening)和设计师唐娜·卡兰(DonnaKaran),此外还有众多印度名人,包括板球运动员萨辛·坦都卡(SachinTendulkar)和宝莱坞女星卡琳娜·卡普(KareenaKapoor)。

    Among his devotees were the novelist Aldous Huxley , the actress Annette Bening and the designer Donna Karan , as well as a who 's who of prominent Indian figures , including the cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and the Bollywood siren Kareena Kapoor .

  30. 我们能看到成龙与宝莱坞的合作吗?

    Will we ever see a Jackie Chan – Bollywood collaboration ?