
bǎo píng zuò
  • Aquarius;Aguarius
宝瓶座[bǎo píng zuò]
  1. 特殊变星宝瓶座R爆发的历史天象记录

    Ancient Records on the Outburst of Peculiar Variable Star R Aquarii

  2. 双鱼位于北方天空中白羊座和宝瓶座之间。

    Pisces lies between Aries and Aquarius in the northern skies .

  3. 十二月我就二十四。我是宝瓶座。

    I 'll be twenty four in december . I 'm an aquarius .

  4. 她的星相是宝瓶座,但她并不具有宝瓶座的典型性格。

    She 's an aquarian , but she doesn 't have a typical Aquarian personality .

  5. 由天王星所制约,宝瓶座是非常典型的受所制约行星启示激励的星座。

    Ruled by shocking Uranus , Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it .

  6. 海王星的第七家在宝瓶座的时间可以浪漫的最好的朋友结婚的概念。

    Neptune 's time in seventh house Aquarius can romanticize the concepts of marrying a best friend .

  7. 由于宝瓶座上会又有一个月食,这个月将是很牛逼的。

    This month will be a big one because there 'll be another eclipse , this time in Aquarius .

  8. 宝瓶座指的是风雪,多雨和洪水的季节。

    At length comes_Aquarius_ , or the Water-bearer , to show the Season of Snows , Rains and Floods ;

  9. 这种想法在5月初将特别有价值,那时北交点将和海王星重合在宝瓶座。

    This idea may be especially useful in early May , when the North Node conjoins Neptune in Aquarius .

  10. 对于出生属于宝瓶座、天秤座和金牛座的人来说,蓝色是个特别吉祥的颜色。

    It is an especially lucky color for people born under the signs of Aquarius , Libra , and Taurus .

  11. 五月底,木星、海王星和凯龙星将在26等的宝瓶座相遇,所以对你的事业影响更为庞大。

    And by the end of May it becomes super-huge because Chiron , Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at26 degrees Aquarius .

  12. 但是对于出生属于天秤座、宝瓶座或摩羯座的人来说,黑色却是好的颜色。

    It is a good color , however , for persons born under the signs of Libra , Aquarius , or Capricorn .

  13. 今天,在海王星是更为严重和科学宝瓶座相反符号,并一直相互接受双鱼座天王星。

    Today , Neptune is in the much more serious and scientific opposite sign of Aquarius and has been mutually receiving Uranus in Pisces .

  14. 双子星座号飞船如果你生日属于宝瓶座、双子座或室女座,星期三是你的幸运日。

    Gemini spacecraft If your birth date is in the sign of Aquarius , Gemini , or Virgo , Wednesday is your lucky day .

  15. 由于2010年开始,木星仍然在宝瓶座,直到1月18日当他移动到双鱼座第9宫和你们的第8宫。

    As2010 begins , Jupiter is still in Aquarius and your eighth house until January18th when he moves into Pisces and your ninth house .

  16. 原来它被命名为宝瓶座时代,正如星占学所预言的,它意味着精神扩展的新时代。

    Originally it had been given the name : the Age of Aquarius to signify the new era of spiritual enfoldment as foretold in astrology .

  17. 此外,在宝瓶座的象征由海王星和天王星在双鱼座的新发明,新痴迷时间,已经不多了。

    Furthermore , the time of new obsession with new inventions , symbolised by Neptune in Aquarius and Uranus in Pisces , is running out .

  18. 狮子座因被摩羯座抢占了餐桌的主位而忿忿不平。绿色也是出生属于宝瓶座和摩羯座的人的幸运色。

    Leo sulks that Capricorn is at the head of the table . It is also a lucky color for those born under the sign of Aquarius and Capricorn .

  19. 加入我们需要一个概括性的指南,那么位于宝瓶座的北交点指引我们去拥抱和连接那些大型社团并给出我们的宽容和信任。

    If we need a general guidepost now , the North Node in Aquarius suggests that we connect with the larger group and give of ourselves generously and confidently ( Leo ) .

  20. 我相信这是代表了黄道上的12个星座,白羊座,金牛座,双子座,巨蟹座,狮子座,处女座,天秤座,天蝎座,射手座,摩羯座,宝瓶座和双鱼座。

    It is my belief that these represent the twelve signs of the zodiac : Aries , Taurus , Gemini , Cancer , Leo , Virgo , Libra , Scorpio , Sagittarius , Capricorn , Aquarius and Pisces .

  21. 绿色也是出生属于宝瓶座和摩羯座的人的幸运色。如果你生日属于宝瓶座、双子座或室女座,星期三是你的幸运日。

    It is also a lucky color for those born under the sign of Aquarius and Capricorn . If your birth date is in the sign of Aquarius , Gemini , or Virgo , Wednesday is your lucky day .

  22. 当我们有意外的好运时,我们常说“喜从天降”。对于出生属于宝瓶座、天秤座和金牛座的人来说,蓝色是个特别吉祥的颜色。

    And when we have unexpected good luck , we often say it came " out of the blue . " It is an especially lucky color for people born under the signs of Aquarius , Libra , and Taurus .