
  • 网络Baodi District
  1. 试论水资源优化配置在宝坻区的必要性

    Discussion on Necessity of Optimized Disposition of Water Resources in Baodi District

  2. 本文针对尚处在发展初期的天津市宝坻区农民专业合作经济组织,在总结国内外成功经验、剖析各种成功模式的基础上,深入研究了宝坻区目前的发展现状。

    In view of the professional cooperative economy organization of peasants in Baodi District , Tianjin still in the initial development stage , based on synthesizing the successful experiences home and abroad and analyzing all kinds of successful models , the current development situation of Baodi District is deeply analyzed .

  3. 宝坻区土壤养分状况及平衡施肥对作物产量和品质的影响

    Soil Nutrient Status and Balanced Fertilizing on Plant Yields and Quality in Baodi

  4. 天津市的农村社区主要分布在武清区、宝坻区、滨海新区和静海县、宁河县、蓟县一带。

    The rural communities of Tianjin mainly distribute in Wuqing , Baodi , Binhai district and Jinghai , Ninghe area .

  5. 现实中,我区高中新手教师培训工作的效果不太理想,存在着一定的问题,因此宝坻区高中新手教师培训策略的研究更突显其紧迫性和必要性。

    In real teaching process , the effect of the training in Baodi is not ideal so that some problems still exist .

  6. 可见,大力加强宝坻区高中新手教师培训,既是新时期教育事业科学发展的重要任务和紧迫要求,也是深入实现全面提高高中教育质量的必然要求。

    Therefore , strengthening the training of the novice teachers is not only an important task and urgent demand for the development of education , but also the inevitable requirement to improve the quality of education thoroughly .

  7. 天津宝坻县隐伏岩溶区地下水开发与地裂缝成生关系研究

    Relationship between karst water exploitation and ground fissure in the unconsolidated sediment area of Baodi County , Tianjin