
bǎo zàng
  • precious deposits;treasure-trove;buried treasure;mine;treasure;treasury;bottomless pit
宝藏 [bǎo zàng]
  • (1) [buried treasure;precious deposits]∶蕴藏在地下的矿产资源

  • 开发地下宝藏

  • (2) [treasure]∶泛指储藏的珍宝或珍贵物品

  • 雕刻艺术的宝藏

  • (3) [treasury]∶犹宝库。指其中储藏的大宗宝物

  • 掘得一宝藏,纯是水晶珠

宝藏[bǎo zàng]
  1. 不论是永远逃离还是再次回归,他们最终都比以前活得精彩:或因发现宝藏而脱贫致富;或获得体面的工作而名利双收。

    Escaping forever or returning later , they finally lived a different life , usually better than before : becoming prosperous by digging precious deposits or achieving both fame and wealth by gaining decent jobs .

  2. 面对这种形势,越来越多的发电企业希望能从发电设备信息中挖掘宝藏,也就是将操作型信息转变为决策型信息,为决策提供依据。

    In the face of such position , more and more power enterprises hope to excavate " precious deposits " from the power equipment information , i.e. the operation information is transformed into decision-making information , which offered gist to make decision .

  3. 该协会的档案对学者来说简直是宝藏。

    The society 's archives are a treasure trove for scholars .

  4. 金矿并非无底的宝藏,金子终究会被采光。

    A gold mine is not a bottomless pit , the gold runs out

  5. 温莎城堡确实是名副其实的古物宝藏。

    Windsor Castle is quite literally an antique treasure trove

  6. 亚瑟王将他的财宝藏在这里,墨林对洞穴施了魔法,这样永远不会有人找到那些财宝。

    King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them .

  7. 上面画着叉叉标出了宝藏的位置;

    that there 's crosses on the map to show where treasure is ;

  8. 我们要岛上的宝藏,而且我们一定会得到!西尔弗说。

    We want that treasure , and we 'll have it ! said Silver .

  9. 伙计们,我说,这里有弗林特的宝藏,我们上岸去找吧。

    Boys , I said , let 's go ashore5 and find Flint 's treasure .

  10. 时间过去了几周,我用了很多时间研究弗林特的藏宝图,有时梦想着得到那些宝藏。

    Weeks passed , and I spent many hours studying Flint 's map and dreaming of treasure .

  11. 只要把它交给我们,并且不要在或者等宝藏装上船后你们跟我们一起坐船走,

    and we 'll let you choose what to do.Either come aboard ship with us when we have the treasure ,

  12. 没有开发的煤炭储量;我们大脑中没有开发的宝藏&G·R·哈里森。

    Untapped reserves of coal ; the untapped stockrooms of our minds - G.R.Harrison .

  13. 而这也是在整个“宝藏(Treasure)”号救援行动中我最津津乐道的一段故事。

    And this brings me to my favorite story from the Treasure rescue .

  14. 法院命令延期打开密室A和B是因为他们预期的宝藏的大小,以便在密室打开之前安排安全工作。

    The court order to delay the opening of vaults A and B are due to the size of the treasure expected to be there , in order to arrange for security before these vaults are opened .

  15. 他的顾问伯南克(bernanke)和盖特纳(geithner)开着一列载有美洲全部宝藏的长长列车。

    His counsellors , Bernanke and Geithner , are at the head of a long train bearing all the treasures of the Americas .

  16. 搜寻宝藏&像去年一样,谷歌周一这天也将对谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)进行特殊处理,将其转变成一张巨大的藏宝图,就像你在海盗电影中看到的那种。

    Treasure hunting & Like last year , Google has a special mod for Google Maps today , turning it into a giant treasure map like the ones you would see in pirate movies .

  17. 目前状况:经过多年的磋商,大都会博物馆在2008年把陶瓶归还给了意大利,作为交换,博物馆获得了借走几件相同价值文物的用来展览的权利。7:普里阿摩斯的宝藏Priam'sTreasure

    Current Status : After several years of negotiation , the Met returned the krater to Italy in 2008 in exchange for the rights to display several comparable artifacts on loan .

  18. 他们之所以用这个名字,因为它容易拼写,而且世界各地的人们都会联想到‘芝麻开门’,也就是《一千零一夜》(OneThousandandOneNights)中阿里巴巴用来打开宝藏大门的咒语。

    They called the company Alibaba because it is easy to spell , and people everywhere associate that with ' Open , Sesame ,' the command Ali Baba used to open doors to hidden treasures in ' One Thousand and One Nights .

  19. 尼古拉斯凯奇是电影导演FrancisFordCoppola的侄子,因主演《抚养亚利桑那》、《致命60秒》、《国家宝藏》等影片而声名大噪。

    Cage , the nephew of film director Francis Ford Coppola , is best known for such films as Raising Arizona , Gone in 60 Seconds and National Treasure .

  20. 2000年6月23日,一艘名为“宝藏(Treasure)”号的油轮在南非开普敦(Capetown)海岸线附近沉没,造成1300吨燃油外泄,

    On June 23 , 2000 , a ship named the Treasure sank off the coast of Cape Town , South Africa , spilling 1300 tons of fuel ,

  21. 它在日本文学和歌舞伎戏剧中地位显著,以至于衍生出了自己的流派“Chūshingura”,即“忠诚仆人的宝藏”,只包含基于这一历史事件的虚构故事。

    It has been featured so prominently in Japanese literature and kabuki theater that it spawned its own genre - Ch ū shingura , or The Treasure of Loyal Retainers , that only includes fictional stories based on this historical event .

  22. 而除了这些独一无二的历史宝藏,参观者们还将看到两件奇怪的现代展品:英国广播公司(BBC)出品的系列《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)中,夏洛克扮演者“卷福”本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch)在剧中所穿的大衣和睡袍。

    But alongside these one-of-a-kind historical treasures , visitors will find two curiously modern artifacts : the coat and dressing gown worn by Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock , the BBC 's 21st-century reboot of the Holmes stories .

  23. 蕾米莉亚:什么!?我要找埋藏的宝藏!

    Remilia : What !? I will find a buried treasure !

  24. 上百人到这儿挖掘埋藏的宝藏。

    Hundreds of people came here to dig for buried treasure .

  25. 中国优秀传统文化是一座伟大的精神宝藏。

    The good traditional Chinese culture is a great spiritual treasury .

  26. 他们到山洞去寻找宝藏。

    They went to the cave in quest of hidden treasure .

  27. 它就能指引我们找到世界宝藏了。

    So he can lead us to the world 's treasures .

  28. 我预感企鹅是从一个宝藏里找到它的。

    A hunch that the penguin got it from a treasure .

  29. 你帮了我很大的忙,找到了宝藏。

    You 've been a great help in locating the treasure .

  30. 出现在我眼前的,是这如月亮般最为珍贵的宝藏!

    This most precious Moon & like beauty appeared to me !