
  • 网络Po Lin Monastery
  1. 还有位于大屿山的宝莲寺,该寺的天坛大佛是全球最大的室外青铜佛像。

    And Po Lin monastery on Lantau island , home to the world 's largest outdoor bronze statue of buddha , the Tian Tan buddha .

  2. 经济发展及劳工局长叶澍i表示,他有信心解决宝莲寺的争论,政府抱开放态度处理问题。

    The Secretary for Economic Development and Labour , Stephen Ip , says he 's confident a way can be found to resolve the controversy over the Po Lin Monastery .

  3. 清代甘青地区藏传佛教寺院高僧的史志创作还有位于大屿山的宝莲寺,该寺的天坛大佛是全球最大的室外青铜佛像。

    The Historical Document Creation of Eminent Monks in Qing Dynasties in Gansu and Qinghai District and Po Lin Monastery on Lantau Island , home to the world 's largest outdoor bronze statue of Buddha , the Tian Tan Buddha .