
  • 网络Tsing Ma Bridge;Slow-Tech Riddim
  1. 有一座名为青马大桥的新桥梁。

    There is a new bridge called the Tsing Ma bridge .

  2. 这是青马大桥。

    This is Tsing Ma Bridge .

  3. 你看。大牛,这座才是青马大桥。

    Look . Daniel , this one is Tsing .

  4. 数值模拟结果表明,采用本文提出的损伤指标、采用神经网络方法,分两阶段进行青马大桥桥板结构的损伤位置识别是有可能的。

    The results show that the proposed method is feasible for the damage localization of a deck structure .

  5. 香港地方虽小,却拥有不少世界之最,当中最有名的包括青马大桥和天坛大佛。

    Small as this place is , Hong Kong has created a number of world records , including the famous Tsingma Bridge and Big Buddha .

  6. 青马大桥的主跨距约为1.4公里,是世界上最长一条兼有公路及铁路的吊桥。

    The Tsing Ma Bridge , with a main span of almost 1.4 kilometres , is the world 's longest suspension bridge carrying both road and rail traffic .

  7. 为庆祝青马大桥正式启用,英国文化协会与临时市政局于一九九七年五月在科学馆合办了一项活的桥梁展览。

    To celebrate the official opening of the Tsing Ma bridge , the British Council and the Provisional Urban Council jointly presented a living bridges exhibition in the museum in may1997 .

  8. 应用桥梁震害的统计分析和概率预测等两种方法,确定了青马大桥地区新建公路桥梁的抗震设防标准。

    The aseismic criterion of a highway bridge to be built in the Lautan fixed crossing area was determined by means of the statistical analysis and the probabilistic prediction in this paper .

  9. 青屿干线采用双层结构,其组成部分包括连接青衣与马湾的青马大桥、跨越马湾的高架道路,以及采用斜拉桥设计、连接马湾与大屿山的汲水门大桥。

    The double-deck Lantau Link consists of the Tsing Ma Bridge linking Tsing Yi to Ma Wan ; a viaduct over Ma Wan ; and the cable-stayed Kap Shui Mun Bridge linking Ma Wan to Lantau .