
  1. 2007年5月,共青团中央正式启动了青年马克思主义者培养工程(以下简称青马工程)。

    In May , 2007 , The Central Committee of the Communist Young League officially started the " Young Marxists Foster Project "( YMFP ) .

  2. 高等院校是优秀青年大学生集中的阵地,在他们中培养一大批坚定的青年马克思主义者,是高校思想政治教育工作的要求,同时也是青马工程培训班在高校中开展实施的目的。

    As the college students ' concentration front , institutions of higher education are responsible for training a great number of youth Marxists , which is in accord with colleges and universities ' ideological and political work requirements and the purpose of Training Project for Youth Marxists .