
qīng shào nián
  • adolescent;teen;youngsters;junior;teen-agers;young boys and girls
青少年 [qīng shào nián]
  • [young boys and girls] 青年和少年,年轻的男女

青少年[qīng shào nián]
  1. 上海市青少年儿童参与民间体育活动现状的调查与思考

    Investigation and Ponderation on Present Situation of Shanghai Young Boys and Girls ' Participation in Folk Sports Activities

  2. 论文分析了信息社会对青少年所产生的影响,提出了公共图书馆加强青少年思想道德教育的有效措施。

    This paper analyses the effect of information society to the young boys and girls , proposes the valid step of public library to strengthen the idea morality education of young boys and girls ' .

  3. 青少年的语言成人往往听不懂。

    The language of teenagers is often completely inaccessible to adults .

  4. 这个广告的对象主要是十几岁的青少年观众。

    The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers .

  5. 青少年可能觉得很难抗拒同龄人的压力。

    Teenagers may find it difficult to resist peer pressure .

  6. 他们被指控毒害我们青少年的心灵。

    They were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people .

  7. 对青少年罪犯我们需要给以短暂但严厉的惩处。

    We need to give young criminals a short , sharp shock .

  8. 法庭对青少年犯罪者的处罚趋于严厉。

    The courts are becoming more severe on young offenders .

  9. 大多数青少年都要经历一段叛逆期。

    Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling .

  10. 必须给青少年充足的自由空间。

    You have to give teenagers plenty of space .

  11. 她训练过我们许多名列前茅的青少年运动员。

    She has coached many of our leading juniors .

  12. 有些青少年在购物广场里闲逛。

    Some teenagers were hanging out at the mall .

  13. 这项比赛让18岁以下的青少年参加。

    The competition is open to young people under the age of 18 .

  14. 大多数青少年都有反抗意识。

    Most teenagers find something to rebel against .

  15. 十几岁的青少年就不像儿时那么淳朴天真了。

    Teenagers lose their childhood simplicity and naturalness .

  16. 青少年在外面街上闲荡。

    Teenagers were loitering in the street outside .

  17. 青少年需要一个可纵情嬉闹的地方。

    Teenagers need a place to let loose .

  18. 青少年常常不遵从父母的条条框框。

    Teenagers often revolt against parental discipline .

  19. 他断言电视中所宣扬的色情与暴力诱使青少年堕落。

    He claimed that sex and violence on TV led to the corruption of young people .

  20. 跟青少年在一起,对他们那种凡事只想到“我、我、我!”的典型心理不要大惊小怪。

    With teenagers , be prepared for the ' Me , me , me ! ' syndrome .

  21. 我青少年时期的大部分时间都用来阅读控制饮食的书籍了。

    I spent most of my teen years reading diet books .

  22. 在对待有自杀倾向的青少年时,我们的目标应当很明确。

    In dealing with suicidal youngsters , our aims should be clear

  23. 粉刺会给青少年带来无尽的烦恼。

    Spots can be the bane of a teenager 's life .

  24. 他看起来不像是青少年偶像,而更像个股票经纪人。

    He looks more like a stockbroker than a teen idol .

  25. 青少年自杀很少是由于突然发生不幸而作出的冲动反应。

    Adolescent suicide is rarely an impulsive reaction to immediate distress

  26. 未到法定年龄的青少年可以从年龄较大的朋友那里弄到酒。

    Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends .

  27. 青少年犯罪的激增让该国陷入困境。

    The country is in the grip of a teenage crime wave .

  28. 他在教堂的乐队里弹吉他,度过了他的青少年时期。

    He spent his adolescent years playing guitar in the church band .

  29. 老师们常认为青少年工作者纪律性差且能力低下。

    Teachers often view youth workers as undisciplined and ineffectual .

  30. 父母会发现令人头疼的青少年变得难以管教。

    Parents may find that a troublesome teenager becomes unmanageable .