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  • 网络psychological field;psychology field;psychic field
  1. 论音乐创作内驱力与心理场、物理场的协同关系

    Cooperative Relations between Composing Internal Force and Psychological Field and Physical Field

  2. 教育心理场中生命意识的缺失与回归

    Passivation and Recovery of Life Consciousness in Educational Psychological Field

  3. 依据耗散结构论有关原理尝试从创造力心理场系统生成的条件、心理机制,尤其是创造力心理场系统结构、功能和涨落间的关系(SfF)做一番探讨。

    This article will use the relevant theories of dissipative configuration to elaborate on the prerequisite and mental mechanism of psychological field of creativity , especially the relationship between its structure , function and fluctuation .

  4. 试析教师角色的心理场

    On Kindergarten Teachers ' Psychology Field

  5. 试论外语视听说心理场中的情境教学

    The Application of Psychological Field in Foreign Language Situational Teaching of Watching , Listening and Speaking

  6. 网络自主学习模式中教师心理场的特点和创建

    On Characteristics and Establishment of the Psychological Field of Teacher Under the Mode of Web-based Autonomous Learning

  7. 心理场理论

    A Theory of Psychological Field

  8. 孙中山关于国共合作的心理场结构及其对最终走向的影响

    Sun Yat-sen s Psychological Field Structure for His KMT-CPC Cooperation and its Influence on the Outcome of the Cooperation

  9. 因此,大理白族文化认同要得以良性发展,必须建立起学校教育和校外文化心理场的共生共谐机制。

    We must establish a symbiotic and harmonic mechanism between them for the benign development of Dali Bai cultural identity .

  10. 通过系统识别我们不难发现,创造力心理场系统是典型的具有自组织特征的耗散结构系统。

    It is not difficult to perceive through identification that psychological field of creativity is a typical dissipative configuration system with self-organizing characteristics .

  11. 第三类观点以联结和人工神经网络概念为要素,分别探讨了心理场距离和规避损失偏向对选择偏好的影响。

    The third one , based on concepts of connectionist and artificial neural network , explored the effects of field distance and loss aversion bias respectively on choice preference .

  12. 总之,学校教育与校外文化心理场的互补整合在大理白族学生及社会成员良性文化认同构建中具有极其重要的作用。

    Anyhow , the complementary integration of school education and cultural - psychology field has significant roles in building benign culture identity of Dali Bai students and community members . 3 .

  13. 其构成要素则是,以汉字为物化形态的民族思维模式和融人文风情与自然风貌为一体的民族文化心理场。

    This root is composed of ethnics ' thinking model which is materialized in Chinese characters , and ethnics ' culture and psychic field combined with humane flavors and natural scenes .

  14. 从心理学角度研究,教学意境之所以能够产生与形成,主要有两个必不可少的内在机制:其一是审美心理场的建构,其二为格式塔质的发现与完形。

    From psychological point of view , teaching image-intuition has two fundamental internal mechanisms for its being : the construction of aesthetic appreciation in psychological field and the foundation and perfection of " Gestalt " model .

  15. 审美心理场的建构为教学意境的产生奠定基础、烘托氛围;格式塔质的发现与完形则是教学意境产生的实质与关键。

    The construction of aesthetic appreciation in psychological field lays a solid foundation for the creation of teaching image-intuition and the foiling of atmosphere while the foundation and perfection of " Gestalt " model becomes the gateway to the creation of teaching image-intuition .

  16. 嫉妒心理在职场同样也能发挥作用。

    Envy works at the office , too .

  17. 根据马斯洛的需要层次理论和勒温的心理力场理论,人才生态环境评价体系可分为基础层次、社交层次和最高层次。

    Based on Maslow 's hierarchy needs and Lewin 's field theory , talent ecological environmental evaluation system includes three levels : basic level , social level and supreme level .

  18. 马基雅维利希望能在读者的心理掀起一场革命,而他也确实做到了。

    Machiavelli hoped to start a revolution in the hearts of his readers , and he certainly achieved that .

  19. 它不仅需要运动员具备有形的技术,如技术战术和身体素质,同时需要无形的技术,如临场意识,心理素质和场上作风等。

    It not only requires players having visible techniques , for example , skills , strategy and physical condition , but also invisible techniques , Such as mental aspect of competition , mental conditioning and styles of competition .

  20. 我个人在心理上对这场即将到来的实力较量毫不畏惧。

    I did not myself at all shrink mentally from the impending trial of strength .

  21. 理解理论揭示了理解的本质以及理解何以可能的问题,内隐学习理论揭示了内部学习的心理机制,而场域理论则揭示了环境对人的作用。

    The theory of understanding reveals the nature of understanding and how it happens . The theory of implicit learning reveals the psychological organism of internal learning ;

  22. 不过好消息来了,如果你能遵循以下十点提示,你便能够克服对演讲的恐惧心理,开始一场精彩的、让观众投入的演讲。

    The good news is if you can focus on these 10 tips you 'll be on your way to breaking past the fear and onto delivering a powerful speech that engages your audience .

  23. 这样大的洪水对于政府官员,起义军,农民和长江附近的中国人们带来了深远的心理影响,这场巨大的灾难造成了10万人死亡。

    Such a flood would have had a profound psychological impact on any government officials , rebels , peasants , and other Chinese in the vicinity , and the flood was a notable disaster , with 100 000 fatalities .

  24. 中师生心理健康状况的调查与心理健康教育实验研究师生心理场探析

    Investigation and Study on the Psychological State of the Students of Secondary Normal School and Psychology Education Experiment Probing into the psychological field between teachers and students

  25. 创设最佳的课堂心理气氛,教师必须把握住学生动机、情感支柱和智能特点,不断变化教学形式,建立良好的心理场,善于控制自己的情绪和处理偶发事件。

    In order to create the best class mental atmosphere , teachers must grasp students ′ motive , affection and intelligence , keep changing teaching form to set up appropriate mental field . They should also be good at controlling their feelings and dealing with chance occurrence .