
  1. 给小孩造成心理阴影,让他对陌生人产生异常的恐惧,这可能不会有什么好处。

    Traumatising a child with an abnormal fear of strangers probably won 't do much good .

  2. 美丽的假面&论张爱玲小说对女性心理阴影的理性透视

    " Beautiful " Mask & Zhang Ai-ling 's thoughts on female mentality

  3. 但是即使经济增长了,仍有心理阴影的日本消费者却不想再消费。

    But even as the economy expanded , shell-shocked consumers refused to spend .

  4. 一定留下不小的心理阴影吧?

    Must take a psychological toll , no ?

  5. 那次经历给我留下了巨大的心理阴影。

    and that was rather traumatizing for me .

  6. 这两个案例中的父母都有心理阴影。

    In both those examples , the parents have a shadow side to their personality .

  7. 正如著名心理学家荣格所说:每个人都有其自己不愿面对的心理阴影。

    As the famous psychologist Carl Jung said , every human being have their shadow .

  8. 目前,我国的艾滋孤儿普遍面临生活贫困、营养不良、辍学、歧视等问题,还存在不同程度的心理阴影。

    At present , AIDS orphans in China are facing problems of poverty , malnutrition , school dropouts , discrimination .

  9. 杨丞琳坦言父母离异给她造成极大心理阴影,但是懂事的她“从来没有恨过爸爸”。

    Rainie confess that the divorce between her parents did leave some emotional shadows but she doesn 't hate her father for that .

  10. 让孩子觉得吃饭是件痛苦的事,有了心理阴影,肯定越来越麻烦。

    If you make the kid consider eating as a pain , you must get in a bigger and bigger trouble when your kid having this psychological shadow .

  11. 许多网友对此表示担忧,称这个孩子很可能由于家长过于严苛的教育方式而产生心理阴影,从此再也不愿意学数学。

    Many netizens expressed their concerns , saying that the boy will most likely suffer from trauma and will never learn math because of his father 's harsh treatment .

  12. 在家庭暴力环境下成长的孩子,不能拥有完整幸福的家庭,还会留下心理阴影,对其成年后的家庭生活埋下隐患。

    Child growing up in the environment of domestic violence can not have complete happy family , the violence will leave a psychological shadow and hidden trouble for their adult life .

  13. 灾害可以给人们造成重大的人员伤亡以及巨大的经济财产损失,并使受灾者承受极大的心理阴影,给应急救灾管理工作带来极大挑战。

    Disasters will cause People significant casualties and huge economic losses of property , and make the affected people under enormous psychological shadow , also bring great challenges to emergency disaster management work .

  14. 助产士表示,越来越多的女性初产后留下了严重的心理阴影,她们将再生育计划推迟了好些年,甚至干脆打消了这个念头。

    Midwives say increasing numbers of women are so badly affected by their first experience of birth that they are postponing for years , or abandoning , plans to have any more children .

  15. 这对任何人来讲都不是愉快的经历,其产生的后遗症以及心理阴影甚至会使下一次会议日程几周或几个月都定不下来。

    It 's not a fun experience for anyone , and post-traumatic stress or severe empathy often result in the next session mysteriously taking several weeks or months to make it onto the calendar .

  16. 地震灾害是各类自然灾害中对人类社会危害最大的,造成的各种损失也最大,尤其是造成人员的大量伤亡,并在受灾人们心中留下长期的心理阴影。

    Earthquakes are among the most powerful events on earth , and their results can be terrifying , they can caused the greatest loss of all kinds , especially the large number of casualties , and keep long-term psychological shadow in the hearts of the affected people .

  17. 出现这样的问题并不意外,许多从战场上归来的退役士兵心理上都有阴影。

    That is not unusual : many soldiers return from the battlefield with psychological scars .

  18. 基金会的创始人约瑟芬库·拉尔收留这些被家庭遗弃的女孩子们,帮她们治疗割礼留下的心理创伤和其他阴影。

    Run by Josephine Kulea , the foundation takes in girls who have been disowned by their families and helps them deal with the trauma of forced genital mutilation or any other horrific events they have suffered .

  19. 她不仅揭露了奴隶制在黑人解放后依旧对黑人心理产生浓厚的阴影,而且还揭示了黑人二次解放的必要性。

    Beloved not only exposes the serious psychological blight in the emancipated blacks who are still living in the trauma caused by slavery , but also indicates the absolute need of the Second Emancipation for the blacks .

  20. 本文分析了运动员产生心理衰竭的三个阶:心理阴影、心理失落、心理衰竭,然后系统分析了产生心理衰竭的各种原因。

    This paper analyses three stages of athletes psychology exhaustion ( Psychology shadow , Psychology disappointment and Psychology exhaustion ), and then has a systematic study on every reasons of causing Psychology exhaustion of athletes .