
xīn jì shī mián
  • palpitation and insomnia
  1. 左氧氟沙星合用克拉霉素致心悸、失眠及恶梦

    Palpitation , insomnia and nightmare due to levofloxacin and clarithromycin combination

  2. 并且临床上高血压前期人群中多具有眩晕、头痛、心悸、失眠等症状。

    The pre-hypertension populations have more symptoms like dizziness , headaches , palpitations , insomnia and other symptoms .

  3. 用于焦虑性神经症,症见恐惧惊慌、心悸、失眠、多梦,晕眩。

    It is indicated for the treatment of Anxiety such as terror or panic , palpitation , insomnia , dreaminess , dizziness .

  4. 失眠已逐步成为全球性的健康问题。在本课题研究中,对炙甘草汤通过治疗心悸以治疗失眠作了初步探讨。

    In this research , we discuss the the treatment of insomnia by means of the treatment of palpitation with Zhi Gan Cao Tang the prepared licorice decoction .

  5. 补心血,益心气。适用于心血虚、心气不足所出现的心悸怔忡、失眠多梦等症。

    Is suitable the palpitation palpitation which in the heart blood deficiency and related debilities , the frame of mind insufficient appears , loses sleep the multi-dreams and so on sickness .

  6. 次要症状疗效比较:在心悸怔仲、失眠多梦等次要中医症状上,用药8周后,治疗组治疗前后各症状积分均显著下降(p0.01)。

    Comparative efficacy of secondary symptoms : After 8 weeks of treatment , In the heart palpitations Zheng Zhong , insomnia and other minor clinical symptoms , before and after treatment , symptom scores were significantly decreased ( p0.01 ) .

  7. 这些减肥药的副作用包括心悸、眩晕和失眠症状。

    The pills were alleged to have side-effects , including palpitations , fainting and insomnia .