
  1. 你的牛仔裤真脏。Filthy和dirty都是肮脏的意思。

    Your jeans are so filthy .

  2. 你们真脏,希望他们捉到你们。

    You ` re unsanitary . ooh , I hope that they catch you .

  3. 这个女孩的短裙真脏。

    The girl 's skirt is very dirty .

  4. 这个池真脏。

    The pool is very dirty .

  5. 那些火车真脏,太不象话了。见习司机常造成(汽车)熄火现象。

    The dirty trains are a scandal . Learner drivers often stall ( their cars ) .

  6. 你的手真脏。

    Your hands are so greasy .

  7. 一天,妈妈看了汤姆的鞋子说道:“汤姆,看看你的鞋子。真脏啊!你得洗洗了。”

    One day Mother looked at Tom 's shoes and said , " Tom , lock at your shoes . How dirty they are ! You must clean them . "

  8. 我是指..我们不能洗澡,真是太脏了。

    I mean ... - Such a shame we can 't wash up .

  9. 弥赛菈口气严厉地再度发问,然后对弟弟说,你瞧,他还真是个脏兮兮的小弟弟,对不对?

    Myrcella asked again , sternly . To her brother she said , He 's a ragged boy , isn 't he ? Look at him . She giggled .

  10. 他们住的小房真是异乎寻常地脏。

    The huts they lived in were sordid and filthy beyond belief .

  11. 这家餐厅真差!盘子脏,菜又差!

    What a crummy restaurant ! The plates were dirty and the food was awful .

  12. 办公室都不敢让人家进来了,没有别的,真的是太脏了。

    I dare not to let other people enter my office , there is no other reason , but being too dirt .