
  • 网络real system
  1. 通过对真实系统测量,确定了模型参数。

    The model parameters are estimated through experiment on real system .

  2. 最后进行了模拟结论反映真实系统准确程度的讨论。

    Finally , the difference between the computer simulation and the real system is discussed .

  3. WS或BA等复杂网络模型可描述各类真实系统的拓扑规律和复杂性,而Petri网在处理系统内部通信和控制方面则具有特殊的优越性。

    The topological law and complexities of various real systems can be revealed by complex networks , such as WS or BA model , and Petri net has its special advantage in dealing with the internal communications and controls of systems .

  4. 在基于BML型的自动机模型中都有从自由行驶相经过一级相变到所有车辆都不能行驶的堵塞相,这是真实系统中不会出现的非物理结果。

    The automaton models based on BML all had first order phase change from freely-moving phase to jamming phase in which all cars are deadly jammed , which are nonexistent non-physical results in real systems .

  5. 通过对真实系统的模拟实验,测得了更加真实准确的模型参数。

    Real and accurate parameter is measured by simulate experiment using actual game server engine .

  6. 这个参考系统是不可实现的,因为这是一个理想的流系统,而真实系统都。

    This reference system can not be implemented , because it is an idealized fluid .

  7. 下面的建议可能有助于简化真实系统所需的繁琐计算。

    The following suggestions may help to ease the tedious calculations required for real systems .

  8. 对产品系统拓扑结构所做的开发假设不能得到真实系统的支持。

    Development 's assumptions about the production system 's topology are not met by the real system .

  9. 蜜罐是一个在网络上专门让黑客攻击的、带有漏洞的真实系统。

    Honeypot is a real system , which is leaky and specially used to be attacked by hacker .

  10. 仿真结果表明:所采用的控制策略是可行的,能较好地模拟真实系统。

    Results of simulation show that the controlling strategy is feasible and it would simulate the true system exactly .

  11. 还是那句话,在虚拟机里多试试总比在真实系统中纠结好。

    Again , trying it out in a virtual machine is better than messing around on a live system .

  12. 利用真实系统的参数和标准大气模型,模拟了上述测量方法的测量灵敏度以及测量误差。

    The measuring sensitivity and error of wind velocity are simulated from true system parameter and standard atmospheric model .

  13. 非线性极大极小系统是用极大极小函数描述的离散事件动态系统,为通讯网络、数字电路、制造等真实系统提供了实用的模型。

    Nonlinear max-min systems consist in many real systems such as communication networks , digital circuits , manufacturing plants , etc.

  14. 蜜罐系统是一种基于虚拟系统和协议的技术,它和真实系统总存在着无法避免的区别。

    Honeypot system is a technology based on virtual system and protocol , thus there is inevitable difference from the real system .

  15. 该文还分析了真实系统中各仿真对象的物理特性及其实现难点,给出了仿真系统的软件架构和接口定义,描述了各仿真功能的具体实现。

    This paper also discusses the physical feature of each real part , software architecture , interface definition and implementation of each function .

  16. 随机网络过去一直被很多学者认为是描述真实系统最适宜的网络。

    In the past , random networks have been thought as the best network model for describing real-world complex systems for many years .

  17. 由于在真实系统上直接试验的风险和代价太大,所以数字仿真技术成为一种行之有效的手段。

    Because testing directly in real system will take very large risk and price , the technology of digital simulation becomes an effective measure .

  18. 分布式互斥算法旨在解决分布式系统的同步与互斥问题,应该具备在真实系统中的容错能力,本文针对系统中可能出现的错误与故障为改进算法设计了相应的容错方案。

    As is designed to solve synchronization and exclusion problem in distributed system , distributed exclusion algorithm should be provided with the competence of fault-tolerance .

  19. 通过对真实系统的仿真试验表明,该模型较真实的反映了实际系统的物理特性,仿真结果准确、可信。

    It is proved by simulation test that the model reflects the physical characteristic of real system and the result of simulation is accurate and assumable .

  20. 它需要处理由于真实系统信息灰色性、证实指标模糊性和模型与真实系统运行随机性引起的问题。

    It needs treating the problems due to grey information of real system , fuzziness of validation criterion and randomness of model and real system operation .

  21. 随机网络一直被认为是描述真实系统最好的网络,随机网络中节点的分布方式遵循钟形的泊松分布。

    Experts think that random network is the most suitable model to describe real networks for many years . Nodes in random network model are distributed Poisson .

  22. 复杂电子系统的研制和使用过程中往往需要使用等效设备,用以模拟真实系统的输入、输出接口。

    Equivalent devices , which can simulate the input / output interface of real systems , are universally used in the process of developing complex electronic systems .

  23. 模型是真实系统的简化,用于示范或说明系统的各种重要的方面,从而令系统的涉众感兴趣。

    The model is a simplification of the real system , designed to demonstrate or illustrate various important aspects of the system to interested stakeholders of the system .

  24. 在仿真过程中,真实系统通常被认为是一个离散/连续混合系统,分布式仿真是这一类系统仿真实现的有效方法。

    An actual system is usually considered as a discrete / continuous hybrid system in simulation . Distributed simulation is an efficient method to construct a hybrid simulation system .

  25. 采用以正交设计试验作为学习样本模拟真实系统的方法,来模拟完全试验;

    A method that actual system was simulated with experimental data of orthogonal test as learning samples was adapted and the object that complete trials were simulated was achieved .

  26. 有两种试验的方案,一种是直接在真实系统上进行,另一种则是按真实系统的样子构造一个模型,在模型上进行。

    There are two methods , one is to work on the real system , and the other is that we first gain a model and study directly on the model .

  27. 液压起重机虚拟样机实验系统研究,以实验室条件下的真实系统为开发背景,实现了虚拟样机在个人电脑上的系统仿真。

    Actual system in the condition of laboratory is the background of the study on Virtual experiment system of hydraulic carne that realize system simulation in virtual prototyping by personal computer .

  28. 到底该怎样定义复杂性,并且定量地计算一个真实系统的复杂性?这是个非常重要的研究课题。

    It has been an important research subject to search for an even more convenient definition of complexity , and then to describe quantitatively how a real world system is complex .

  29. 数字仿真在一定程度上代替耗时耗费的真实系统实验,缩短产品更新周期以满足市场需要。

    To some extent , digital simulation replaces the real systematic experiment consuming much time and money , and shortens the period of product updating so as to meet the market need .

  30. 对底层网络的忽略虽能简化模拟模型,使模拟相对高效,但是会导致模拟结果与真实系统存在较大失真。

    Although ignoring the underlying network can simplify the simulation model , which makes a relatively high simulation , it also leads to larger distortion between the simulation results and real system .