
zhēn kōnɡ ɡān zào qì
  • Vacuum dryer;vacuum desiccator
  1. 利用大型真空干燥器,测定了大豆在不同生长发育阶段地上部分氨的挥发损失。

    Large vacuum desiccator was used to collect ammonia volatilized from above ground parts of soybean during its growth period .

  2. 将此干燥器应用于2160t/a维生素C干燥中,并与传统双锥回转真空干燥器进行了比较。

    The new drier was applied in the vitamin C drying process with a capacity of 2 160 t / a , and compared it with the conventional double cone rotating vacuum drier .

  3. 转鼓真空干燥器替代电阻炉对APT(仲钨酸铵)进行干燥,有许多优点。运行两年来,产品质量明显提高,蒸发速度大为加快,经济效益显著。

    Year operation with vacuum dryer instead of the resistance furnace to dry APT has showed a distinct improvement of product quality , and much faster evaporation , with remarkable economic benefits .

  4. 自制真空干燥器的设计及应用

    Design and Application for the Vacuum Drier Made by Ourselves

  5. 耙式真空干燥器壳体性能改进

    Improvement on Performance of Rake Style Vacuum Drier 's Shell

  6. 转鼓真空干燥器在我厂的应用

    Application of Drum Vacuum Dryer in Our Plant

  7. 盘架式真空干燥器有限量的生产某些食品

    Vacuum shelf drier Limited production of certain

  8. 定温真空干燥器的一些改良

    Some Improvement of Thermostatic Vacuum Drier

  9. 带有颗粒有机物的滤膜于室温下在真空干燥器中干燥。

    The particulate organic matter with the filter was dried in a vaccum desiccator at room temperature .

  10. LXA双锥真空回转干燥器的改进设计

    Improved Design of LXA Double-tapered Rotary Vacuum Drier

  11. SZ&1500型真空回转干燥器物料输送的实用设计

    Practical Design of Material Delivery in SZ-1500 Vacuum Rotary Dryer

  12. 转鼓式真空过滤干燥器脉冲袋式除尘器匀流喷吹管设计研究

    Drum film dryer Investigation on Design of Flux-equal Nozzle for Pulse Bag Filter

  13. 计算机监控系统在盘式真空连续干燥器中的应用

    Computer Remote Control of Plate Vacuum Continuous Dryer

  14. 真空盘式连续干燥器在维生素C生产中的开发应用

    Development and application of vacuum tray continuum drier for vitamin C production

  15. 介绍了为维生素C生产而设计的新型干燥装置&真空盘式连续干燥器的结构和工作原理,举例说明了该新型干燥器的生产能力及能耗情况。

    The structure and principle of a new type of drier , namely vacuum tray continuum drier designed for vitamin C production was introduced , and its capacity and energy consumption was given by examples .

  16. 结果表明,真空盘式连续干燥器比双锥回转真空干燥器可节省操作费用170.9元/t,年创经济效益37.1万元。

    The result showed that the vacuum tray continuum drier was able to save cost by 170.9 yuan / t of vitamin C , and could bring an economical benefit of 0.371 million yuan / a.