
  • 网络psychological balance;psychological equilibrium;psychologic equilibrium
  1. 心理平衡理论在学生管理工作中的应用

    Approaching the Application of Psychological Balance Theory in the Student Management

  2. 如何正确引导大学生保持心理平衡

    How to Guide the University Students to Keep the Psychological Balance

  3. 结论:戒烟酒、低盐饮食、增加锻炼、保持心理平衡对EH和脑卒中都有重要防治作用;

    Conclusions : No smoking , low salt diet , more exercises and psychologic equilibrium are important to EH and stroke .

  4. 方法社区医师定期随访,指导IGT患者合理膳食,适量运动,戒烟限酒,心理平衡。

    Method Community doctors followed the patient regularly with providing guidance to them for balance diet , suitable exercise , quitting smoking and restricting alcohol as well as maintaining good mentality .

  5. 心理平衡的作用超过所有的保健措施。

    The effects of psychological balance outdo all health measures .

  6. 心理平衡:心理,人的思维、内心活动。

    Psychological balance : Psychology is the thinking activities of human beings .

  7. 心理平衡是真经。

    Balancing psychology is the real classical book .

  8. 浅谈大学生的心理平衡调适

    On Psychological Balance of College Students and Adjustment

  9. 这棵苹果树心理平衡了。

    Psychological balance of the apple tree .

  10. 如果人们能够达到心理平衡,就是把握了自体健康的金钥匙。

    Only when the two states are both balanced can the body be truly healthy .

  11. 运用心理平衡原则创造医务人员心情舒畅的良好氛围。

    The mental balance principle is used to create a better environment for the stuffs to work .

  12. 一个小的事件或事件将足以让你失去了心理平衡。

    A small event or an incident would be sufficient for you to lose the mental balance .

  13. 他寻求超越和解脱:归隐躬耕,在自然中寻求和保持心理平衡;

    He returned home and farmed in order to seek and keep psychological equilibrium in the natural world .

  14. 心理平衡目的是为了很好地生存。而生存的关键是时间。

    The aim of psychological balance is to live a better life , while the key to life is time .

  15. 感恩,不是为求得心理平衡的片刻答谢,而是一种无言却也真诚的表示。

    Thanksgiving , not for a moment to seek a balanced appreciation of psychological , but a silent but sincere said .

  16. 人们的精神调节、心理平衡、社会适应、健康质量等,都将随着社会的发展而成为医学面临的新任务。

    People 's mental adjustment , mental balance , social adaptability and health quality will become the new tasks in medicine as society develops .

  17. 要加强社会保障建设,营造平等的社会环境,提高群众的安全感和心理平衡程度。

    We must strengthen social security and create a social environment of equality , security and psychological balance , improve the people 's level .

  18. 结果景观疗养在防治疾病、促进健康、增强体质、调节心理平衡等方面具有独特的作用和优越性。

    Results Landscape convalescence play a important role in disease prevention and treatment , health promotion , physical fitness enhancement , and psychologic equilibrium regulation .

  19. 那时候已经是一个焦虑的时刻,可是,很让我们心理平衡的,事情比我们预想的要好得多!

    There have been a few anxious moments since then , but on balance things have gone much better than we had any right to expect .

  20. 在媒体的聚光灯下,学会如何利用自己的愤怒来提高球场上的效率并且保持心理平衡是一个职业球员应掌握的艺术。

    The media exposure . Learning how to harness your aggression in a way that 's effective and balanced is an art form for pro athletes .

  21. 大学生群体是社会各群体中年轻的知识群体,其心理平衡感、幸福感呈现出一定的独特性。

    Compared with other social groups , college student group is young and intellectual , which distinguish itself in the sense of psychological equilibrium and happiness .

  22. 这一过程最后达到了使被害人因犯罪人受到处罚而获得心理平衡以及社会秩序因矛盾的解除而恢复秩序平衡。

    The victim will get the psychological balance because of the punishment of the accused and the social order will be restore balance because of the resolving of the conflict .

  23. 仕途失意情况下,接舆愤世又成为诗人们维持心理平衡的一种调节方式。

    What 's more , In an official career fraught with difficulties and danger , JIE Yu 's indignant still became a way for poets to keep mental balance by reorganizing themselves .

  24. 在校大学生主观认为的职业能力结构涵盖管理能力、心理平衡能力、实践能力、道德能力、智能、体能六个因子;

    The structure of vocational competence which the undergraduates concern subjectively includes six factors : competence of management 、 competence to keep balanced mentality 、 practical competence 、 morality 、 intelligence 、 physique ;

  25. 汤亭亭在寻求个人心理平衡的努力和挣扎既是整个华裔群体的真实写照,也是每一个活在这个世界上的人的奋斗过程。

    Kingston 's efforts to achieve cultural psychological balance in her writing are not only the real reflection of the whole Chinese American ethnic group but a struggling process of everyone in the world .

  26. 两千多年前老子的哲学思想中包含了调节心理平衡、化解心理问题的心理自卫理论,体现在效法天道、自我意识、节制物欲、人格培养四个方面。

    The philosophical ideology advanced by Lao Zi over 2000 years ago contains the theory of psychological self-defence and this theory is of the function of adjusting individuals ' psychological balance and settling psychological problems .

  27. 结论本溪地区胃癌发生主要与幽门螺杆菌感染、精神压抑、胃溃疡史、过量摄入肉类、缺乏体育锻炼等因素有关,应开展幽门螺杆菌检测,提倡保持心理平衡,适当进行体育锻炼;

    Conclusion Helicobacter Pylori ( HP ) infection , mental depression , history of gastric ulcer , surfeit animal meat , lack of physical exercises were associated with increased risk of stomach cancer in Benxi .

  28. 由于市场竞争的全球化、企业结构重组、人员精简、组织变革等内外部环境的影响,员工原已形成的心理平衡被打破。

    Because of internal and external environment influences , such as global market competition , recombination of enterprise structure , employee cut organizational change , the psychological balance formed in state-owned enterprise employee has been broken .

  29. 用人单位实际需求的职业能力结构包括管理能力、心理平衡能力、实践能力、道德能力、智能、体能以及人际能力七个因子。

    The structure of vocational competence which the employment units concern actually includes seven factors : competence of management 、 competence to keep balanced mentality , practical competence , morality , intelligence , physique 、 communicational competence .

  30. 孔子强调随机的天命论,突显了命运的一次成型、不可更改,否定了人的后天作为,但有一定的心理平衡和警世作用。

    Confucius stressed on the stochastic destiny , highlighted the unchangeable feature of fate , and negated people 's deeds , but in a sense this theory could help people to get psychological balance , and made them alert .