
  1. 《通用规范汉字表》的争鸣&坚持科学性原则适应社会的需要

    Contention of " Universal Standardized Chinese Character List " & Adhere to the Scientific Principle and Adapt to the social Needs

  2. 贯彻《通用规范汉字表》需要澄清误解&以朱大可《汉字革命和文化断裂》为例

    Misunderstandings to Be Clarified in the Implementation of The Common Standard Chinese Characters Table : With Zhu Dake 's " Revolution of Chinese Characters and Cultural Fracture " as an example

  3. 第三章归纳分析了《通用规范汉字表》(征求意见稿)关于44个宋体字进行的笔形调整并指出其存在的问题,讨论笔画形变规则存在的问题和形成的原因。

    The third chapter analyses the adjustment of the 44 pen-shaped characters in General Standard Chinese Characters Table ( Exposure Draft ) and points out its problems as well as the reasons for such problems .