- 名general (or common) term
- 动introduce oneself

(1) [tell one's name]∶告诉别人自己的姓名
(2) [general name]∶惯用的称呼
Natural Kind Names and Rigidity & A Doubtful Point in Kripke 's Theory of General Names
According to the different statistic classification of general name , it includes national general name and regional general name .
The object of this postdoctoral report is ten questions about the generic terms of Chinese administrative division for the moment .
From the perspective of the name used in the classification of Tian Lie Fu in Wenxuan , the editor chose its ordinary meaning .
On the other hand , because of the different development process of the formation of these nationalities , difference is showed in their geographical names .
This paper is to analyze meaning extension of trademark words from the perspectives of the lexicological substantiation , socio-cultural reasons and peculiarities of its development .
The former were group into special name + common name and no common name . According to key words , the latter was divided into the rational demand and the perceptual demand .
The general content of the paper will focus on the five following aspects : the number of Chinese characters , generic names , specific names , the integral structure and meaning , and some problems existing in nomination .
Cultural connotations of each components are drawn through frequency counting of generic name , trade name . Chapter five , taking a historical view , collects and exams all the shop names , existing and that have been existed , in Yangzhou .
In the paper , the distribution of the generic names and the trade names are discussed . And the more detailed analyses of the proper names is studied from the temperament and semantic features of lexical form , then we see how they reflect local characteristics .
Fictional names existing in scientific theories belong to general names . They refer to some theoretical concepts that are impossible to be testified by experiments . The names not only refer to a set of things with the same nature , but also show some characteristics of the object .
In the mainframe of the dissertation , the lexical features of Qujing place names are delineated in detail . Some research methods , such as language statistics and analysis , percentage statistics and comparison , are applied to analyse the general names and special names of Qujing place names .