
  1. 东魏北齐国家的权力结构与豪族大土地所有制

    Country Power Structure and Wealthy and Powerful Family Large-scale Land Ownership in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi Dynasties

  2. 土地兼并与集中是封建经济的必然产物,它与经济的发展、朝代的兴衰息息相关。作为土地集中的结果&大土地所有制,对封建经济的发展乃至某一朝代的兴衰产生了深远的影响。

    Annexing lands as well as centralization is inevitable result of feudal economy , which led to the up and downs of those dynasties .

  3. 魏晋以来,宗法性封建大土地所有制成为当时社会生产的主要形式,大土地的占有者&私家大族,通过控制大量的户口分有了社会的社会控制权,形成一个个相对独立的权力中心。

    Since Wei-Jin Dynasties , feudal patriarchal landowners obtain their division of social control by ruling large numbers of households , forming relatively independent power centers .

  4. 农业是罗马帝国的基础,大土地所有制的迅速崛起、行省农业作用的增大以及意大利农业的调整是早期罗马帝国农业变革的重要内容。

    The agriculture developments in early Roman Empire include the following significant aspects : rapid increasing in large estates , development in the functions of provincial agriculture and adjustment of the ancient Italian agriculture .