
dà zhònɡ kē xué
  • popular sciences
  1. 他为一家大众科学杂志撰稿。

    He writes for a journal of popular science .

  2. 刚出版的美国《大众科学》杂志列举了科学界十大最糟糕的工作。

    The current issue of Popular Science Magazine lists the ten worst jobs in science .

  3. 根据大众科学网站报道,渤海造船重工集团正在辽宁葫芦岛建造这个工厂。

    According to Popular Science , Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industrial Corporation is building the plant in Huludao , Liaoning Province .

  4. 据美国《大众科学》8月19日报道,德国医生说,狗通过嗅闻病人的气息能准确地探查到早期肺癌的迹象。

    A dog can accurately detect the early presence of lung cancer by sniffing patients ' breath , doctors in Germany say .

  5. “迷因”这个词最早是由英国进化生物学家理查德-道金斯在他1976年的大众科学畅销书《自私的基因》中使用的。

    The term Meme was coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 popular science bestseller , The Selfish Gene .

  6. 阅读和报道来自同行评议的科学期刊的最新研究,或者至少是来自有声誉的大众科学出版物上的研究。

    Read and report on the latest research from peer-reviewed scientific journals , or at the very least from reputable popular science publications .

  7. 大众科学表明所有的哺乳动物,爬行类动物和某些鸟类会有快速眼动睡眠体验,也就是类似的做梦。

    But all mammals and reptiles and some birds do experience REM sleep , and therefore likely dream , according to Popular Science .

  8. 1924年,第一次世界大战的王牌飞行员艾迪·里肯巴克写下了这个构想,之后,飞行汽车的概念就时常成为《大众科学》杂志上的话题。

    It 's been a regular topic in Popular Science ever since World War I ace Eddie Rickenbacker wrote about it in 1924 .

  9. 这些特点使得克拉克成为一个有效而有威望的大众科学传播者,特别是在太空旅行,通讯技术以及设想各种未来情景方面。

    These attributes helped Clarke become an effective , credible communicator of popular science , especially on space travel , communication technologies and futuristic scenarios .

  10. 要想重新记起大众科学可以而且应该是什么样子,可以参考一下英国最伟大的业余科学家吉尔伯特·怀特的事例,你会深受启发。

    To remember what popular science could and should be , it 's instructive to consider the case of England 's greatest amateur scientist , Gilbert White .

  11. 影片结合了动作、大众科学、以及超自然幻想,堪称贝松近些年影片中最有趣的一部。

    The film is a combination of action , pop science , and metaphysical musings , and it 's probably Besson 's most entertaining project in years .

  12. 本文将台湾光复以来的综合科普刊物分为三期,分别由《大众科学》、《科学月刊》、《牛顿》开端。

    In this paper , the comprehensive popular science publications since 1945 in Taiwan are divided into three phases , starting with Popular Science , Science Monthly , and Newton respectively .

  13. 中国传统风水理论,长期处于大众科学和建筑学关注的热点领域之外,但它却是中国本土的生态建筑思想沃土之一。

    The traditional Chinese Feng-Shui theories , which are out of the hot areas concerning public science and architecture , are actually a rich land of native Chinese ecological construction ideology .

  14. 曾经在省级核心刊物《大众科学》杂志上发表过题为《公平与效率的关系辨析》的学术论文,并翻译过多篇论述瑞典经济学家俄林的经济类专业论文。

    A professional issue named " An analyze on the relationship between justice and effect ion " has been published on . I also translated some economic issues about a famous Sweden economist named Olin .

  15. 一位内科医生在1905年的《大众科学期刊》上这样解释这个问题:受过良好教育的女性形成了自信、独立的品质,这样她们就没有了现实生活中妻子应有的热爱、尊重和服从的性格。

    One physician explained the problem in Popular Science Monthly in 1905 : An educated woman developed a self-assertive , independent character that made it impossible to love , honor and obey as a real wife should .

  16. 为此,本文进一步论述了大众科学审美意识的获得与科技传播的关系,进而说明科学美育与科技传播二者的互动关系。

    The thesis thus expounds the relationship between the acquisition and development of mass awareness of AAS and dissemination of science and technology and further illustrates the interaction between Scientific Aesthetic Education ( SAE ) and the dissemination .

  17. 一位内科医生在1905年的《大众科学期刊》上这样解释这个问题:受过良好教育的女性形成了“自信、独立的品质”,这样她们就没有了现实生活中妻子应有的热爱、尊重和服从的性格。

    One physician explained the problem in Popular Science Monthly in 1905 : An educated woman developed a " self-assertive , independent character " that made it " impossible to love , honor and obey " as a real wife should .

  18. 最后对科学博客进行评价,科学博客是科学家沙龙、科学爱好者的园地和大众科学普及的窗口并分析了科学博客的不足,针对科学博客存在的不足,提出了笔者的看法。

    Finally , to evaluate the science blog , science blog Sharon scientists , science lovers and popular science popular garden window and the lack of a science blog , science blog for shortcomings , presented the views of the author .

  19. 科学素养随着社会的发展而日渐被赋予新的内涵,STS教育与科学素养存在内在的联系,即STS教育的重要目标之一是培养大众的科学素养。

    Science literacy , which could be enriched with the progress of society , has bearing on STS education . Developing the science literacy of all is the objective of STS education .

  20. 第二章,对当代中国马克思主义大众化科学内涵的传播学诠释。

    The second chapter , the contemporary Chinese Marxism scientific content of the communication interpretation .

  21. 马克思主义理论在本质上是人民大众的科学理论。

    Marxist theory onthe nature of the scientific theories of the masses of the people .

  22. 科技馆是为大众传播科学知识的重要阵地。

    Science Technology Museum is the important scientific technology knowledge dissemination position for the mass .

  23. 大众化科学传播的一个新探索&以首都科学讲堂为例

    A New Exploration of Popular Science Communication & Taking ' Capital Science Lectures ' as an Example

  24. 还有一些其他院系、学校的同学支持我们,一起向大众传播科学真理。

    Students from other departments and universities stood by our side , presenting scientific facts to the general public .

  25. 这些缺陷可能无助于大众媒体科学报道的健康和茁壮成长。

    These two hurdles may not help the growth of healthy and vibrant science coverage by the media in general .

  26. 科普英语在向社会大众普及科学技术知识,提高公众科学素养等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Popular science English ( PSE ) plays a crucial role in providing the public with scientific knowledge and promoting their scientific literacy .

  27. 新加坡科学中心是为促进学生和大众学习科学技术而建立的非正式的教育网站。

    The Singapore Science Centre is a non-formal educational institution for the promotion of science and technology among students and members of the public .

  28. 他们多半在寻求对科学写作有热情的人,以及具备能使普通大众读懂科学故事这种写作能力的人。

    They mostly look for a zeal for science writing and the ability to write science stories in a way that the general public can understand .

  29. 植物园不仅收集了大量的植物物种,而且在向大众进行科学普及和环境教育方面也有着义不容辞的责任。

    Botanical gardens not only hold plant collections of many species , but also have the responsibility of popularizing science and educating the public on environment issues .

  30. 其实科学传播有很多层面,面向大众的科学传播只是其中一种,它还包括科学共同体内部的交流、科学与其他文化之间的传播。

    Actually , it has many levels , including not only the one facing public , but also the internal communication in science community , and transmission between science and other cultures .