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  • 网络large institutions
  1. 这些大机构总是随意制定规定,而且说变就变。

    These large institutions make — and change — the rules to suit themselves

  2. 家族事务公司会和大机构竞争,但可以提供各式各样的激励机制,包括将报酬与回报率基准挂钩,或获得私人股本投资的股权。

    The family office will be competing with the large institutions . But there is a variety of incentives that can be offered including linking remuneration to return benchmarks or offering a share in any private equity investments .

  3. 联合国是个大机构。

    The United Nation is a large organization .

  4. 你不是在大学教书了,你只是国家这个大机构里的一个小锯齿。

    You 're not at university any longer . You are a very small cog in a very large system .

  5. 世界各大机构对中国今年gdp增长预测

    China 's 2002 GDP Growth Predicted by Major World Agencies

  6. 新情况已导致花旗和瑞士银行(UBSAG)等一些大机构一再进行资产冲减。

    That has led to repeated write-downs at big institutions such as Citigroup and UBS AG .

  7. 应急对策包括支撑大机构和强力推动合并;却几乎不包含什么长期对策来解决大到不能倒(toobigtofail)的问题。

    The emergency response involved propping up big institutions and ramming through mergers ; hardly a long-term solution to the problem of too big to fail .

  8. 利用CAD理论和SOLIDWORKS工具对五大机构进行建模和仿真,利用DFA理论对尺寸和角度进行修正和优化。

    Five main machineries are modeled and simulated with CAD and SOLIDWORKS tool . DFA theory is used to optimize size and angle .

  9. 白宫去年支持法国前财长克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christinelagarde)出任imf总裁,此举在两大机构内部被普遍视为传统安排可能持续的信号。

    The White House last summer supported the candidacy of Christine Lagarde , the former French finance minister who became IMF Managing Director , in a move widely regarded within the two institutions as a signal that the traditional arrangements were likely to continue .

  10. WF-84型横式纹板复制机由传动、纹板输送、冲孔、阅读及其它等五大机构组成。

    Horizontal Card Repeating Machine WF-84 consists of the transmitting , card delivering , hole punching , reading and other devices .

  11. 大机构可能应变迟缓。

    A large organization can be slow to adapt to change .

  12. 因此上周这两大机构下调了意大利的债信评级。

    Last week the agencies downgraded Italy 's sovereign debt .

  13. 他还表示,应该允许大机构破产。

    He also argued that big institutions should be allowed to fail .

  14. 这几家小银行合并成一个大机构。

    The small banks were merged into one large organization .

  15. 在一个大机构里,良好的内部交流是绝对必要的。

    Ina large organization , good internal communication is essential .

  16. 我们也不需要再依赖于各大机构的安全系统。

    and we don 't have to rely on institutions for security .

  17. 应急对策包括支撑大机构和强力推动合并;

    The emergency response involved propping up big institutions and ramming through mergers ;

  18. 一个大机构的专门的部门。

    A specialized division of a large organization .

  19. 你有大机构的信用卡吗?

    You have a major credit card ?

  20. 在过去的7年中我注意到,错误的看法在这些大机构里翻来覆去地出现。

    Over the last 7 years , I have noticed certain recurring misconceptions among these organizations .

  21. 大机构似乎有自己的存在方式,独立于经营管理他们的人

    Great institutions seem to have a life of their own , independent of those who run them

  22. 有时候,大机构的董事会看上去就像疯人院。

    Sometimes it can seem as if the executive suites of large organisations are actually lunatic asylums .

  23. 它们给那些在更大机构会被交付给自动电话服务地狱的顾客们提供资金和高级经理。

    They provide funds and senior managers to customers that may be relegated to automated phone-hell at bigger institutions .

  24. 一些人往往认为对大机构的诈骗行为不重要,因为受害者并非个人。

    Some people tend to regard frauds against large organizations as unimportant because no single person is a victim .

  25. 我知道国泰和其他几间大机构已因减少废物而获益不浅。

    I know that Cathay Pacific and several other major firms are already reaping economic benefits from waste reduction .

  26. 第三章主要论述了境内外机构投资者股指期货套利策略的运用,并对两大机构投资者套利策略运用进行比较和启示。

    Chapter III focuses on the usage by domestic and foreign institutional investors and compare the two major institutional investors .

  27. 尽管欧盟的权力遍布各大机构和国家,其设计仍然存在缺陷,无法在危机来临之时,迅速采取行动。

    The EU , with power spread across institutions and countries , is ill-designed to act swiftly in a crisis .

  28. 我建议不要建立什么大机构,要简化,几个人就够了。

    I propose that we should not have a large body but a simple one with just a few people .

  29. 从克莱斯勒公司到中央情报局,美国各大机构如今正在大肆推进多元文化计划。

    From the Chrysler Corporation to the Central Intelligence Agency , cultural diversity programs are flourishing in American organizations today .

  30. 然而,怀特教授认为,总体上,这些大机构有“非常好的记录”。

    Prof White thinks that on balance , however , the big agencies have " a pretty good track record " .