
  • 网络Ecumenical council;Council of Chalcedon;Church Councils
  1. 梵二大公会议修订了祈祷和将其名称改为礼仪的小时数。

    The Second Vatican Council revised the Breviary and changed its name to Liturgy of the Hours .

  2. 在第二届梵蒂冈大公会议期间,他负责主持天主教廷并在完成会议决定方面起了核心作用。

    He presided over the Catholic Church during most of the Second Vatican Council and played a central role in implementing its decisions .

  3. 第二次梵帝冈大公会议说,20世纪的历史批判主义,完全有资格可以批判,新约文体。

    The Roman Catholic Council of Vatican II said that historical criticism as it 's practiced in the twentieth century is perfectly legitimate to practice on the New Testament documents .