
cì zǐ
  • second son
  1. 他的次子Nam-il,动辄怨天怨地摔酒瓶子,是以我一个大学朋友为原型的。

    The second son , Nam-il , who is always complaining and throws the Molotov cocktails , is actually based on a college friend of mine .

  2. 李安的次子诞生时,他的银行户头里只有26块美金。

    The day his second son was born , Ang Lee had just twenty-six U.S.dollars in the bank .

  3. 默多克为李嘉诚提供了一个有益的榜样。1993年,默多克从李嘉诚和他的次子李泽楷(RichardLi)手中买入了星空传媒(StarTV)。

    He has the salutary example of Mr Murdoch , who bought Star TV from Mr Li and Richard , his younger son , in 1993 .

  4. 1957年首次子美国甘博罗地区发生鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD),现流行全世界,对养鸡业危害较大。

    Infectious Fowl IBD , which was first discovered in America in 1957 , has been world-wided prevalent and is harmful to fowl breeding industries .

  5. Backstepping方法可以将复杂的非线性系统分解成几个低阶次子系统,然后为这每个子系统设计部分的Lyapunov函数以及中间虚拟的控制量,采用非线性系统的逆推设计方法,来完成对控制器的设计。

    Backstepping method can decompose the complex nonlinear system into several low-level sub-systems , and the Lyapunov function and inter virtual control variables of every subsystem are derived . The design of the controller is completed based on Backstepping method for the nonlinear systems .

  6. 过年九月我将送我次子去读书。

    My second boy will be sent to school next September .

  7. 我去次子的返校舞会做监护人

    I had gone to chaperone my middle son 's homecoming dance

  8. 线性空间中次子空间的基和维数

    The Base and Dimension of Sub - sub pace in Linear Space

  9. 次子,一直受到家庭的管教。

    Second-born son , so beaten down by his family .

  10. 长子亚历山大出生于1973年,次子金出生在1977年。

    Son Alexander born in1973 , son Kim born in1977 .

  11. 关于二次子问题的解类谐振子的周期

    On solution of quadratic subproblem The Period of Anharmonic Oscillations

  12. 他在遗嘱中立长子于次子之前。

    He set his elder son before the younger in his will .

  13. 乌薛的长子是米迦,次子是耶西雅。

    The sons of Uzziel : Micah the first and Isshiah the second .

  14. 便雅悯的长子比拉,次子亚实别,三子亚哈拉。

    Benjamin fathered Bela his firstborn , Ashbel the second , Aharah the third .

  15. 撒母耳的长子是约珥,次子是亚比亚。

    And the sons of samuel : the oldest joel , and the second abiah .

  16. 研究了次子空间的性质及其在线性方程组上的应用。

    Some properties of the sub-subspaces and their applications on the systems of linear equations are studied .

  17. 你会想起以前,我说服次子团和暴鸦团来加入我们。

    Once , you 'll recall , I convinced the Second Sons and Stormcrows to join us .

  18. 次子雅各穿上毛皮,捧着羊肉走进父亲的帐棚中。

    Watch the younger twin go into his father 's tent with goat meat dressed up as venison .

  19. 3次子序列的震源断层都是走滑断层,也和2条构造正断层有别。

    The feature that focal faults of three subsequences are strike slip is different from the two tectonic faults .

  20. 他是家里的次子,什么事都不用操心。

    He is the second son of the family , so he does not have to worry about anything .

  21. 在每次迭代中,通过求解一个二次子规划得到一个可行下降方向。

    At each iteration , a feasible direction of descent is obtained by solving a quadratic programming ( QP ) .

  22. 亚悉兄弟以设的长子是乌兰,次子耶乌施,三子是以利法列。

    The sons of Eshek his brother : Ulam his firstborn , Jeush the second , and Eliphelet the third .

  23. 次子团把他们的盔甲存在停在营地中心的六个巨大货车里。

    The Second Sons kept their company armor in six big wayns drawn up near the center of their camp .

  24. 用二次子结构法对过盈螺纹进行应力分析


  25. 希伯伦的子孙里有长子耶利雅、次子亚玛利亚、三子雅哈悉、四子耶加面。

    And the sons of Hebron ; Jeriah the first , Amariah the second , Jahaziel the third , Jekameam the fourth .

  26. 约西亚的长子是约哈难,次子是约雅敬,三子是西底家,四子是沙龙。

    The sons of josiah : johanan the firstborn , Jehoiakim the second son , Zedekiah the third , Shallum the fourth .

  27. 太熙元年(290),晋武帝司马炎病故,由次子惠帝司马衷继位。

    In 290 , Emperor Wu of Jin died and his second son Sima Zhong became the emperor later called Emperor Hui .

  28. 五年后,他们偿还了债务,买了手套住房,有了次子亨利。

    And five years later , they 've paid off debt , bought their first home , and had their second son , Henry .

  29. 伊丽莎白女王的次子安德鲁王子将辞去贸易和投资特别代表职务。

    Queen Elizabeth 's second son Prince Andrew is to step down from his job as Britain 's special representative for trade and investment .

  30. 在英国即将播放的电视访谈节目中,英国女王的次子安德鲁王子将向观众讲述,他如何在一个既是母亲又是一国之君的女人的身边长大的故事。

    In a television interview screened on Friday Andrew described life growing up with a woman who is both his mother and the Monarch .