
cì rì
  • the next day;morrow
次日 [cì rì]
  • [morrow] 第二天;任何特指的或不讲自明的一天后的那一天--亦称翌日

  1. 次日,第一军的装甲车畅通无阻地驶进突尼斯。

    The next day , 1st Army armoured cars drove unopposed into Tunis .

  2. E组大鼠于术后次日开始进行中药八味明目饮汤剂灌胃治疗。

    The next day after the operation , Group E rats receive decoction gavage treatment of the Chinese medicine Ba Wei Ming Mu Yin .

  3. 选举获胜后,总统于次日召开了新闻记者会。

    After his election victory , the president held a morning-after news conference .

  4. 他们是星期一晚上到的,我们次日也抵达那里。

    They arrived on Monday evening and we got there the following day .

  5. 住宿加次日早餐每人每晚30英镑起。

    Bed and breakfast costs from £ 30 per person per night .

  6. 住宿可以安排在当地提供住宿加次日早餐的家庭旅馆。

    Accommodation can be arranged at local bed and breakfasts .

  7. 次日,欧盟峰会发出了更加强硬的最后通牒。

    Next day the EU summit strengthened their ultimatum .

  8. 次日上午9点,本特里被捆住双臂、戴上头罩,然后绞死了。

    At nine the next morning Bentley was pinioned , hooded and hanged .

  9. 次日一大早,天空晴朗无云,大风吹得树木沙沙作响。

    Next morning dawned clear and sunny , with a stiff breeze rustling the trees .

  10. 他给预订了次日的汽车票。

    He booked for the following day 's bus .

  11. 尽管预报称天气很好,但次日上午仍阴雨绵绵。

    Despite the good weather forecast , the next morning was as wet as ever .

  12. 住院当日护理工作量与住院次日及出院当天相比较,有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    There are significant differences of nursing workload between the first day in hospitalization and second day , discharge the day ( p0.01 ) . 6 .

  13. 次日晨化验血清CRP。

    The serum level of CRP were measured the next morning .

  14. 次日,Michael现身于一家银行里,手里高举起枪对着天花板。

    The next day , Michael stands inside a bank , arm raised high with a gun pointed toward the ceiling .

  15. 认为可以由前两日的△f的变化以一定的概率预测次日的股价指数收盘价的涨落。

    This article deemed the rise or fall of closing price can be probability predicted with the fluctuations of Af between last two days .

  16. 在英国石油(BP)高管薪资引发不满的次日,这一监管申报细节也许在旧经济行为过分的背景下令人对新经济感到振奋。

    A day after a revolt over executive pay at BP , the filing might be a welcome tonic from the new economy for the excesses of the old .

  17. 本文观察HBsAg阳性孕妇77例,其新生儿生后当天接种乙肝疫苗,次日接种卡介苗;

    77 newborns of HBsAg positive carried mothers were immunized with hepatitis B plasma vaccine within 24 hours after delivery and with BCG on the next day .

  18. 美联储(Fed)宣布将资产购买规模缩减为每月750亿美元的次日,市场恶化、美元升值,脆弱的新兴市场开始承受压力。

    Markets soured , the dollar climbed and vulnerable emerging markets came under pressure the day after the US Federal Reserve started to pare back its asset purchases to $ 75bn a month .

  19. 而就在次日,微软(Microsoft)说将以$85亿美元收购电话和视频服务互联网公司Skype。

    The next day Microsoft said it was buying Skype , an internet calling and video service , for $ 8.5 billion ( see article ) .

  20. 就在这条消息曝光后的次日,英特尔公司(Intel)也宣布将在2016年以前推出一款完全不需要任何电线的个人电脑,也就是说既不需要电源线,也不需要显示器连接线。

    The next day , Intel announced plans to release a completely wire-free personal computer by 2016 & no power cord , no monitor cable , nothing .

  21. 通过对2002年269d的实际市场运行数据的统计校验,发现采用VaR历史模拟方法预测次日的金融风险与实际运行结果相一致。

    Through comparisons with practical data of 269 days in 2002 , it is found that the predicted financial risk by the presented method is consistent with the actual outcome .

  22. 全部受检对象均禁食12h以上,于次日早晨采静脉血,从分离的白细胞中提取DNA;

    All the subjects were fasted for more than 12 hours , and the samples of venous blood were collected on the next morning . DNA was extracted from the separated leucocytes .

  23. 作者报告一例维吾尔族儿童,患弥漫性恶性淋巴瘤(B大无裂细胞性),在诱导化疗后次日晨发生ATLS。

    A Uighur boy with diffuse malignant lymphoma ( B large non-cleave cell type ) suffered ATLS on the next morning after inductive chemotherapy was reported .

  24. 次日,时任美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)不得不改变姿态,决定拯救美国国际集团。

    By the next day Hank Paulson , then US Treasury secretary , had to reverse himself and come to the rescue of AIG .

  25. 入院次日晨cTnI敏感性96.8%,高于Mb61.9%和CK-MB77.8%。

    However , cTnI sensitivity climbed to 96.8 % the next morning , higher than that of Mb 61.9 % and CK-MB 77.8 % .

  26. 传代培养时次日贴壁,7d形成单层。

    In subculture , the cells adhered to the wall of culture dish next day and formed a monolayer in 7 days .

  27. 资料表明,从当日早晨到次日早晨,夏季不同植被下不同厚度土层土壤CO2释放量均呈现由低到高再到低的变化规律;

    The results show that the CO_2 amount released from soils at different depth under different vegetation changes from low to high and then to low from the very morning to the next in summer .

  28. 耶伦主持的委员会在何时加息的问题上意见分歧:在她举行记者会后的次日,芝加哥联储(ChicagoFederalReserve)警告称,美联储过早加息可能引发负面冲击。

    Ms Yellen presides over a committee divided about when to lift rates : a day after her press conference , the Chicago Federal Reserve warned that the Fed risked triggering adverse shocks by raising rates too soon .

  29. 目的:制备适于临睡前服用、间隔4h后于次日凌晨释放出治疗药物的脉冲控释片。

    AIM : To prepare an orally applicable pulsed release tablet , ( PRT ), which allows for rapid drug release after a predetermined lag time of 4 h.

  30. 4月30日,阿尔斯特(ulster)也将禁烟;次日,美国亚利桑那州禁烟(部落领域除外)。

    On April 30 , it will be Ulster ; the following day , Arizona ( tribal lands exempted ) .