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  1. 之前尝试过几次将鱼缸中的水过滤并充氧,但都没有成功。

    Previous attempts at filtering and oxygenating aquarium water had failed .

  2. 温布尔登队运气不佳,两次将球踢到门柱上,最终没有获胜。

    Wimbledon were unlucky not to win after hitting the post twice .

  3. 在禁区边缘他两次将球踢飞。

    He miskicked the ball twice at the edge of the penalty box

  4. 他似乎在一瞬间又一次将国家的命运握在了手中。

    He seems for a moment to be again holding the fate of the country in his hands

  5. 马娅·安杰卢在20世纪70年代后期第一次将戏剧《我还会站起来》搬上了舞台。

    Maya Angelou first staged the play ' And I Still Rise ' in the late 1970s .

  6. 目前,它正处于限制功能的公测阶段,但像基于Web服务之类的功能恐怕会又一次将微软的统治延续下去。

    The release is currently in a limited beta , but features such as the free Web-based version just might reassert Microsoft 's dominance .

  7. 世界银行(TheWorldBank)2014年《营商环境报告》(DoingBusiness,对全球经济体经商便利度的最新年度评估)又一次将索马里“忽略”。

    The world bank 2014 doing business report the latest annual assessment of the ease of doing business in economies around the world once again skips Somalia entirely .

  8. 公司第一次将它的股份向公众出售的术语是IPO。

    A company 's first sale of stock to the public is an IPO .

  9. IPO指的是一家企业第一次将它的股份向大众出售。是的。

    An IPO is the first time a company sells its stock to the public .

  10. 但是,1994年美国亚利桑那大学(UniversityofArizona)举行的一场跨学科会议第一次将科学家和哲学家们聚在了一起。

    But in 1994 , an interdisciplinary conference at the University of Arizona brought them together for the first time .

  11. 而且在Windows中,有一个特殊的DllMain方法,在第一次将DLL加载到内存时将调用这个方法。

    Further , in Windows , there 's a special DllMain method that is invoked the first time the DLL is loaded onto memory .

  12. 重新发布这个帖子,这一次将帖子标为可发布(使用editPostRPC)。

    Republish the post , this time marking the post as ready for publish ( using the editPost RPC ) .

  13. 如你们所知道的,iPhone第一次将互联网带到一台移动设备上。简而言之,互联网就在你的口袋里,而且我们有数据为证。

    As you know , the iPhone really brings the internet to a mobile device for the first time , you have the internet in your pocket & and that 's being borne out by usage stats for mobile browser usage .

  14. 中方将回应三个东风21D,第一次将刺进的船体,启动火灾和关闭飞行运行齐射,文章说。

    The Chinese would respond with three salvos of DF21D , the first of which would pierce the hull , start fires and shut down flight operations , the article says .

  15. 当我第一次将PS3拆开时,我将它放在工作台上靠近笔记本的地方运行,PS3的风扇将风吹进了笔记本的排气孔里面,最终导致笔记本过热而关机了。

    When I first unpacked the unit , I ran it on my workbench next to my laptop with the PS3 's fan blowing into the laptop 's exhaust vents & the laptop eventually went into thermal shutdown .

  16. 可育株比不育株开花早3~14d,平均早5d,拔除可育株安排在SAB-3群体开花约10%时开始,有利于10d内分2~3次将可育株彻底拔除。

    Blooming date of fertile plants was 3 to 14 days ( average 5 days ) earlier than that of sterile plants . Fertile plants should be uprooted after 10 % plants had bloomed in SAB 3 , and be finished by 2 ~ 3 times within 10 days .

  17. 但是下一次将要发生什么事?从现在开始的四年之后会发生什么情况?

    Four years from now , what is going to happen ?

  18. 我们只能推测他在下一次将有什么动向。

    We can only guess what his next move might be .

  19. 但这是第一次将这些图片运用到路标上。

    But it is new to use these pictures on road signs .

  20. 然后分4次将金块带回家。

    Then it was easy to carry them home on four separate trips .

  21. 这一次将删除此软件。

    This software will be removed at this time .

  22. 缺席超过四次将自动被退修。

    Students with more than four absences shall be automatically dropped from the class .

  23. 我一次将劝告一切准备好。

    I will advise once everything is ready .

  24. 由初级翻译人员第一次将梵语经文翻译成汉语初稿。

    A team of junior translators produces the first Chinese draft of the Sanskrit text .

  25. 第一次将动物组织正式移植到人体的历史始于1682年。

    The fist official transplant from an animal to a human occurred back in 1682 .

  26. 投票者再一次将利箭射入欧洲联盟条约的心脏。

    VOTERS have once again shot an arrow into the heart of a European Union treaty .

  27. 下一次将变更提交给存储库时,该文件被删除了。

    The next time you commit your changes to the repository , the file is deleted .

  28. 这是第一次将遗传算法应用于交通检测点分布优化问题。

    It is the first work to apply genetic algorithm to optimal location of traffic counting points .

  29. 第一次将实用学科与儒学经典放在同等地位上;

    For the first time , it put practical subjects and Confucian classics on an equal footing ;

  30. 2009年哥本哈根会议的召开,再一次将全球环境问题推到了巅峰。

    In 2009 , global environmental issues have been pushed to the peak in the Copenhagen conference .