
cì qīnɡ
  • unvoiced apirated
  1. 通过全面考察得知:江西赣方言语音有全浊声母与次清声母合流等17个方面的共同特点;

    According to a comprehensive investigation , 17 common characteristics like " the convergence of voiced consonant and voiceless consonant " are found in pronunciation in Gan dialect .

  2. 方法:第一次清创术后取下撕脱的皮肤制成厚中厚皮片于普通冰箱内储存,2~5天内延迟植皮。

    Methods : the thick splint skin graft were prepared from the avulsed skin flap and then applied to the defect in two to five days after debridement .

  3. 让人不舒服地回忆起黑暗年代的,只不过是一百次清房大甩卖的副产品,因为维也纳历经吞并和战争的一代人变成了历史。

    The uncomfortable reminders of a dark era are merely the by-product of a hundred house clearances , as the generation of Viennese that experienced Anschluss and war passes into history .

  4. 他不止一次清好喉咙,颤抖着深吸一口长气,准备在再度吐气的同时,把他灵魂深处的阴暗秘密装上,一吐为快。

    More than once , he had cleared his throat , and drawn in the long , deep , and tremulous breath , which , when sent forth again , would come burdened with the black secret of his soul .

  5. 结论两次彻底清创和异体皮片移植暂时覆盖创面是修复大面积皮肤软组织缺损严重感染创面的有效方法,值得推广应用。

    Conclusion This method of temporary transplantation of an allograft skin graft with 2 separate debridements was effective and reliable .

  6. 从孙中山组织革命的小团体起,他就进行了几次反清的武装起义。

    From the start , when he organized a small revolutionary group , Sun Yat-sen staged armed insurrections against the Ching Dynasty .

  7. 残疾人、特困家庭(凭乡镇以上)优惠20%,一次缴清全年学费者优惠200元。

    The disabled , poor families ( with the township and above ) 20 % discount , paid an annual fee concessions to200 .

  8. 在去购物前如果你能列出计划,在购物时一次买清将为你节省时间和钱。

    You 'll save money and time if you make the effort to plan for a week and to shop for it all at once .

  9. 另一方面,不得不履行作为清属国的各项义务,两次助清打退了进犯的沙俄军队。

    On the other hand , Korea Dynasty has performed the diverse obligation , such as assisting Qing dynasty to attack the army corps of Czarist Russia twice .

  10. 我心知自己付不起那样的利息,所以每次收到信用卡的帐单都一次交清。

    I was clear that I could never afford the interest . Therefore , I always paid in full after I received the monthly statement from the credit card company .

  11. 本次电子清纱器电气部分的设计就是实现对检测单元、信号处理单元、电源单元、控制单元的设计。

    The designation of electrical part of electronic clearing device is to achieve the designation of detection unit , a signal processing unit , a power supply unit and control unit .

  12. 而这两次以清王朝为主体的早期现代化运动都与此前发生的太平天国运动和义和团运动密切相关。

    These two incidents of modernization movements led by the rulers of the Qing Dynasty were closely connected with the Taiping Rebellion and Yihetuan ( corps of Righteousness and Harmony ) Movement out-broken earlier .

  13. 1例因术后脱位,切开复位后再次感染,二次行清创,假体取出,旷置术,术后15个月后再次清创,行全髋置换。

    Case was infected again because of dislocation , then were treated with debridement , removal of infected prothesis , the cement spacer mixed with vancomycin implantation and secondary debridement , prothetic reimplantation after 15 months .

  14. 这三个月的生活,重新改变了自己对人生的看法,让自己复了一次位,清了一次零。

    The past three months reshaped his view towards life and let him restart from zero .

  15. 但组织同时表示,出于国际支援出现的第一次减少,清雷运动将来的发展是个值得关心的问题。

    But the group says it is concerned about future progress because international support decreased for the first time .

  16. 廖观音事件是20世纪初成都农村下层民众发动的一次以反清灭洋为口号具有秘密宗教性质的反帝反封运动。

    Liao Guan yin Event that lower rural people launched in Chengdu at the beginning of 20th century was a secret religious anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement with the slogan turning over Qing Dynasty and eliminating foreign religions .

  17. 认为,综合治理和对每釜都进行简单处理、从而达到极高釜次勿需人工清釜的目标,乃当前先进防粘技术的主要特征。

    The author points out that comprehensive prevention measures and simple treatment of every reactor each time after polymerization in order to maximize times over reactor and therefore omit the strenuous manual cleaning of the reactor are the main characteristics of the present viscous aggregates prevention techniques .

  18. 通过对第四次和第五次清管作业之间运行成本增加值的定性分析计算,确定了库鄯输油管道的清管周期。

    Through qualitative analysis and calculation on the cost increment value of pipeline operation between the fourth and fifth pigging , the pigging period is determined for Korla-Shanshan Oil Pipeline .