
  • 网络Mongolian History;history of Mongolia;History of the Mongols
  1. 明代蒙古史上的弑君事件及其前因后果20世纪中国蒙古史研究述略

    A summarized account of China 's researches on Mongolian history in 20th century

  2. 也是蒙古史、清史研究中不可缺少的基本史料之一。

    It is also one of the basic indispensable historical data for the Mongolian and Qing history .

  3. 它虽不是专门记述蒙古史的著作,但对明蒙关系上的重要事件都有专题叙述。

    Although it is not specifically account writings of Mongolian History , but an important event in the Ming Dynasty and Mongolian relationship has a thematic narrative .

  4. 《青史演义》的成就,其实质是对蒙古史传传统进行的选择和重构,是对古代蒙古族史传作品所兼有的文学价值的进一步发扬光大。

    The nature of the achievement of " Qing shi Historical Novel " is a new choice and reconstruction of the traditional Mongolian History and a promotion of the literature value of ancient Mongolian History .

  5. 蒙古史传文学从蒙元帝国的史料内容到散原结合的叙述形式和编年体例,以及注重实录,追求宏幅的创作精神等方面对《青史演义》产生了直接的影响。

    With the historical content of the Mongolia Empire and the narrative form and annalistic style , emphasizing the practical record and pursuing magnificent length , Mongolian historical literature affected " Qing shi Historical Novel " directly .

  6. 浅谈北方民族空间方位观念的发生、发展和演变&古代蒙古文化史上方位问题之我见

    On Forming , Developing and Evolving of Space Concepts of Northern Nationalities

  7. 我答:草原、蒙古民族史、爱与宗教。

    I replied : Grassland , the history of Mongolia people , love and religion .

  8. 积极开展蒙古族科技史的研究

    Develop in g Studies on Mongolian History of Science and Technology

  9. 蒙古族出版史的整个历史时期,手抄本远远超过刻印本。

    Publishing in the history of the Mongolian historical period , far more than the printed manuscript .

  10. 女作家及其作品的大量涌现成为蒙古族文学史上史无前例的独特景观。

    Large numbers of women writers and their works as the unique landscape of the Mongolian literary history unprecedented .

  11. 蒙古族法制史在中国古代民族法制史上具有举足轻重的地位,成为自成体系的蒙古法系。

    The Mongolian legal history has an important status in national legal history in ancient times of China and has become Mongolian legal system .

  12. 浅谈《青史演义》对儒家思想的吸收与借鉴《青史演义》是蒙古族文学史上一部最著名的长篇小说。

    Discussion Absorption and Reference of the Confucianism by The Story of Qing Dynasty History Historic Romance of Qing Dynasty is one of best novels of Mongolian literature .

  13. 即《青史演义》与蒙古族传统史传文学之间具有继承发展关系,并与汉民族文学、文化之间存在借鉴创新关系。

    That is , the " Qing shi Historical Novel " has the inherit-development relationship with Mongolian traditional literature , and it has the reference-creation relationship with Han literature .

  14. 以档案史料为中心的研究地区财政史的方法,为全面了解民国时期土默特旗财政演变铺垫出一条小径,为蒙古族经济史研究领域的拓展提供了更为广阔的空间。

    Based on the historical file data , the method of the financial history study paves the way for fully learning the financial evolution , and provides a broader space for the development of the economic history of Mongolia .

  15. 蒙古族古代经济史研究的理论和方法

    Theory and Method of the Studies of the Ancient Mongolian Economic History

  16. 它的出现,标志着蒙古族传统的史传文学向历史小说的转型。

    The appearance of the novel was a symbol of the transforming from Mongolian traditional historical biography to historical novel .

  17. 在蒙古族哲学思想史的研究中,特别是对蒙古汗国时期“蒙哲史”的研究中,弄清宗教(萨满教)和哲学的关系是非常必要的。

    In the study of the history of Mongolian Philosophical ideas , especially of the history of Mongolian philosophy in the period of the State of Mongol Khan , it is very necessary to make clear the relations between religion ( Shamanism ) and philosophy .

  18. 蒙古文学发展中翻译文学研究是蒙古文学史研究的重要组成部分。

    In the development mongolian literature the study of translation is an important part of mongolian history of literature .

  19. 中东铁路与东蒙古地区的关系问题不仅仅是中俄关系和沙俄侵略蒙古地区史的组成部分,也是内蒙古近代发展史上的一个特殊阶段的研究课题。

    The relation of Chinese-Eastern Railroad to southern Mongols not only concerns Sino-Russian relations and Russian invasion to Mongol area , but also relates to special period in recent history of Inner Mongolia .

  20. 萨氏把蒙古哲学推进到佛教化哲学阶段,由此决定了他在蒙古哲学史上占有重要的地位。

    That Sa Gang Che Chen carried Mongolian philosophy to the stage of Buddhistic philosophy has decided on his important position in the history of Mongolian philosophy .

  21. 导论部分,分析了蒙古族文学概念的内涵,并阐述了蒙古族汉文创作在整个蒙古族文学史上的地位以及研究蒙古当代汉文小说的必然性与必要性。

    In the preface , the thesis will define the notion of " Mongolian literature ", and then suggest the necessity which people research the Chinese writing of Mongolian temporary literature .

  22. 由于受到蒙古族社会生活的影响,受到蒙古族传统美学思想和艺术风格的影响,逐渐形成了具有蒙古族特色的佛教艺术形式,在蒙古族艺术史上留下了辉煌的一页。

    Under the influence of social life , traditional aesthetics and artistic style of Mongolians , they developed into Buddhism artistic form with Mongolian characteristics , was an excellent page in history of Mongolian arts .