
  1. 蒙古贵族三次西征,客观上促进了中国同欧洲的联系。

    The three west expeditions of the Mongols promoted the communication between China and Europe .

  2. 但蒙古贵族传统的分封制,导致了蒙古地区封建割据的形成和泛滥;

    The tribute system of Mongolian aristocracy formed and increasing feudal separated jurisdiction in Mongol area .

  3. 这次起义打击了以蒙古贵族为首的封建地主阶级,使农民获得部分土地。

    It blew the feudal landlords with the Mongol gentry as the main force and the peasants got certain land .

  4. 同年,明军攻占大都,蒙古贵族逃亡塞北,元朝灭亡。

    In the same year , the Ming armies occupied Dadu . The Mongol gentry escaped to the North , and the Yuan Dynasty died out .

  5. 在官方支持下,程朱理学以书院为依托实现了北传,不但将程朱理学的影响成功地向北方广大地区扩展,而且也使蒙古贵族对其有了更加深入的认识。

    Moreover , the base served to disseminate neo-Confucianism in north China with the support of the Yuan regime , while Mongolian aristocrats had a better understanding of it .

  6. 八达岭是明代建筑,借以与鞑靼(元代没落蒙古贵族的一支)作战。

    The Bandaging Great Wall which is constructional in Ming Dynasty , thereby fighting against Tartars who is a grouper of the downfallen Mongolia nationality nobles of Yuan Dynasty .

  7. 元朝是由蒙古贵族建立的历史上疆域空前广大的一个统一的封建王朝,蒙古黄金家族建立的四大汗国横跨亚欧,使东西文化交流更加畅通。

    Yuan dynasty was established by the Mongolian elite unprecedented in the history of the territory of a united feudal dynasty , a family of four Empire Mongolia gold across Asia and Europe to the East-West cultural exchanges more open .

  8. 蒙古贵族的统治基础受到削弱,色目群体中的回回人经济、政治势力受到削弱,权臣时代的到来,社会矛盾激化等方面来探讨元朝两都之战造成的影响。

    Mongol nobles weakened the rule base , color groups , the Hui people present economic , political forces weakened , powerful ministers era , intensified social conflicts such as two aspects of the Yuan Dynasty were the impact of the war .

  9. 蒙古贵族进占中原地区后,吸收汉族和其他各族地主参政,采用“汉法”,形成了以蒙古贵族为主,包括汉族地主在内的联合统治。

    After the Mongols occupied the central plain , they adopted the administration of the Hans and the other ethnics , the " Han Laws " and had formed an allied government with the dominance of the Mongol aristocracy , including the Han landlords .

  10. 公元13世纪中后期,中国历史上发生的南宋抗蒙(元)战争是汉民族政权为抵御蒙古游牧贵族野蛮入侵所进行的一场民族正义战争。

    The anti-Mongolian ( Yuan ) war that occurred during mid-to late 13th century is a just war of Han nationality against the barbaric invasion of the Mongolian nomadic nobles .