
  • 网络montgomery county;Montgomeryshire
  1. 马里兰州蒙哥马利郡亚洲事务主任齐莉莉女士致辞祝贺。

    Speech by Ms Lily Qi , director of Asian American Affairs of Montgomery County .

  2. 在1994年,美国亚拉巴马州的蒙哥马利郡颁布了一项禁令,有关于处理庭院修剪下的草,那些草占垃圾填埋地固体垃圾的18%。

    In1994 , Montgomery County , Alabama imposed a ban on the disposal of yard trimmings , which accounted for18 percent of the solid waste heading to a landfill .

  3. 在蒙哥马利郡和阿拉巴马的德斯坦经营海鲜市场的斯考特,说这生意与一年之前的5、6月相比下降超过49000美元。

    Scott , who runs Destin Connections Seafood Market in Montgomery , Ala. , said business was off more than $ 49,000 in May and June compared with the year before .