- 名voiced initial consonant

The Characteristics of the Total Voiced Initial Consonant in Wutai Dialect
The Evolvement of Voiced Syllable Initial in Jin Dialect
The Effect of Language Contact on the Evolvement of Voiced Initials in ChenZhou Dialect
According to a comprehensive investigation , 17 common characteristics like " the convergence of voiced consonant and voiceless consonant " are found in pronunciation in Gan dialect .
This paper studies the origin and the evolvement of the four kinds of voiced syllable initials in the present Jin Dialect developing out of their ancient counterparts .
Through the processes of devoicing and weakening , these initials evolve respectively in the places and the ways of pronunciation in terms of the tones , initials and finals .
We concentrate on the different pronunciations of stop and affricative initials nowadays in Min dialects and think it the result of the overlap of many phonetics levels during the involvement of min dialects .
Some specific pronunciations , in which ancient wholly voiced consonants are now pronounced as stops and fricative stops in this city , are excluded in the seven local dialects of Chinese confirmed by the school of dialects at present .