
zhuó yīn
  • voiced sound;dull resonance;voice
浊音 [zhuó yīn]
  • [voiced sound] 随着呼气使声带靠拢以发出可听见的振动(如发元音与该种辅音如v或z时的情况)

浊音[zhuó yīn]
  1. 若激励源是一准周期信号,则声道发浊音。

    If the exciting source is a period signal , voiced sound will be sent out .

  2. 由于清音是一种类白噪声的信号,而浊音是一种准周期的信号,反应的是说话人声道变化的情况,浊音包含有更多的说话人信息。

    But the unvoiced sound is more like a white noise signal , the voiced sound reflects the movement of the vocal tract and is a periodic signal , so more speaker information is contained in the voiced sound .

  3. 首先,本文通过对HELP算法的深入分析,根据语音信号谐波相关程度能反映浊音度强弱的性质,开发了一种基于最小均方误差准则的谐波相关浊音度参数提取方法。

    First , after deeply investigating HELP model , a harmonic related voicing detection algorithm based on MSE criterion is developed , with the knowledge that voicing algorithm can be showed by degree of harmonic relation .

  4. 该算法重点研究经典LPC分析后基音激励方向向下的语音,对这种浊音LPC残差进行后滤波以取代预增强的方法使其逼近语音激励。

    Firstly we analyze the speech with reversed polarity and present the idea of post-filtering of the LPC residual of these voiced speech frames .

  5. 基于线性预测分析和mel倒谱分析的浊音声学模型,刻画了说话人声腔的共振特性。

    The voiced acoustic model is built on linear prediction analysis and mel cepstrum analysis to characterize the resonance of the vocal tract of speakers .

  6. 另外,该模型采用了一种与能量相关的、自适应的清/浊音判决阈值,比MBE的阈值设计更加简化。

    Moreover , an adaptive threshold related to energy , which is much simpler than MBE , is exploited for U / V decision .

  7. 由于在不同的清/浊音判决模式下,LSF参数的统计特性不同,因此采用不同的码书对LSF参数矢量进行量化,提高了量化的质量。

    Due to the different statistic distributions in different modes , the LSF vectors are quantized by different codebooks to improve the quality of quantization .

  8. 在CELP编码器中,通常用延迟为抽样间隔整数倍的长项预测器表征浊音语音的准周期性。

    The CELP Coder usually uses a long-term predictor that the delay is the integer multiples of sampling interval to exploit the quasi-periodic structure of speech .

  9. MELP声码器采用混合脉冲和噪声激励解决了经典LPC的嗡嗡声的问题;引入了抖动浊音状态以克服音调噪声;

    MELP vocoders utilize mixed pulse and noise as the excitation to elimate the buzzes in traditional LPC vocoders , and add a jitter voicing state to overcome the tonal noise .

  10. 同时作者利用LPC技术建立了一个线性预测模型,对浊音检测其基音周期,最后实现了基于线性预测(LPC)的汉语语音合成。

    Making use of the LPC technique , built up a linear prognosticate model in the meantime , examine keynote period of sonant , realized a Chinese language speech synthesis on the base of LPC technology finally .

  11. 本文通过对汉语语音的特性分析,及各类音素的DFT谱特性,特别是清/浊音的DFT谱差异的研究,概括出了可用于连续语音音节分割的两个相对最佳的动态特征;

    In this paper two relatively optimum features that can be used in isolating syllables in continuous Chinese speech have been generalized , through characteristics analysis of Chinese speech and the DFT spectral characteristics of various phonemes , especially the DFT distinction of voiced / unvoiced sounds .

  12. 利用正弦语音模型中浊音存在的谐波与子谐波,在SHR(subharninctoharmonicratio)算法的基础上,提出了一种改进型高精度基音检测算法ISHR(improvingsubharninctoharmonicratio)。

    An improving sub-harmonic to harmonic ratio ( ISHR ) algorithm based on sub-harmonic to harmonic ratio ( SHR ) and using the voiced speech harmonic and sub-harmonic in the speech sinusoidal model algorithm was proposed .

  13. INMARSAT-MIMBE声码器是在语音MBE模型基础上的一种改进算法,该算法在基音估计、谐波带的清/浊音判决以及谱包络参数的编码方面均具有独到之处。

    INMARSAT-M IMBE vocoder is an improved algorithm based on MBE model , which is unique in pitch estimation , U / V judgment as well as the coding of the spectral envelope parameters .

  14. 文中在介绍Mozer方法的要点及其局限性基础上,着重讨论浊音的波形变换与分段ADPCM的编译码过程,文末给出了汉语普通话常见五个单元音量化信噪比的测试结果。

    After recapitulating the Mozer method and its limited competence , we focus on the voiced waveform transform and segmental ADPCM encoding procedure , In the end of this paper , we present the SNR test results for the five vowels of Mandarin Chinese .

  15. MWI采用了一种更加合理的插值模型,包括统一的清音和浊音分析合成模型、新的典型波形的提取和表示方法,并且采用动态规划的算法增加基音周期估计的准确性。

    MWI overcomes the inherent problems of the WI model and adopts a more reasonable waveform interpolation model , which includes uniform synthesizer for the unvoiced and voiced speech , new prototype extraction and discription method and dynamic programming to improve the precision of pitch extraction .

  16. 文中介绍的原波形内插算法利用了浊音语音的周期性,每隔20~30ms提取一单个的基音周期波形,然后在更新点处进行内插重建语音信号。

    Prototype waveform interpolation ( PWI ) algorithm described in this paper uses the periodicity of a voiced speech signal . The waveform of a single pitch cycle is transmitted at regular intervals ( of20 ~ 30ms ) and then interpolated between update points .

  17. 一种改进的信号灵活分割算法及语音信号清浊音的自动分割

    An Improved Flexible Signal Segmentation Algorithm and Automatic Speech Voiced-unvoiced Segmentation

  18. 无浊音;有前鼻音和后鼻音;

    Northern Dialects have front and back nasals , no voiced .

  19. 一种组合参数的语音信号清/浊音判决方法

    A Simple Method of Unvoiced / Voiced Classification of Speech Signal

  20. 基于相空间重构和基频分析的单信道混合语音清浊音分类方法

    An Improved Phase-space Voicing-state Classification method for Co-channel Speech using Pitch Analysis

  21. 基于能量和浊音特性的语音端点检测

    Speech Endpoint Detection Based on Energy and Voicing Features

  22. 一种浊音语音原型波形内插算法

    A prototype waveform interpolation algorithm for voiced speech

  23. 浊音语音可以看作是慢变化的基音周期波形的连接。

    Voiced speech is interpreted as a concatenation of slowly evolving pitch cycle waveforms .

  24. 中古声母中的全浊音到了《中原音韵》时代全部变读为相应的清音声母。

    All voiced obstruents in Mediaeval Times became unvoiced in Era when Zhongyuan Rhymes was written .

  25. 听诊显示下肺野有湿性罗音,肺底叩诊呈浊音。

    Auscultation revealed crackles in the lower lung fields and dullness to percussion at the bases .

  26. 所有元音都是浊音。

    All vowels are vocals .

  27. 腹水的特点是液波震颤、移动性浊音、侧腹膨隆。

    Ascites is characterized by a fluid wave , shifting dullness , and fullness in the flanks .

  28. 提出了一种子带划分方法和清/浊音判决阈值。

    Secondly , a novel sub-bands segmentation method and a U / V decision threshold are designed .

  29. 从而避免了由于过渡帧被简单地划分成清/浊音而带来的误差。

    So it will avoid the error produced by classing the transition frame into V / UV frame .

  30. 为提高音质,提出了一种两级浊音激励谱形状描述模型。

    In order to improve the quality , this paper presents a two-stage residual spectral shape description model .