
shǎo shù mín zú yǔ yán
  • minority language
  1. 全国少数民族语言文字信息处理学术讨论会的基本情况;

    The basic situation of the seminar dealt with the national minority language words ;

  2. 台湾现代文学作品的语言载体有汉语文言、国语(白话)、方言(客家语、闽南语、台湾少数民族语言)和日语等多种样态。

    The language of the Taiwanese modern literature works carry bodies to have various patterns : classical Chinese , Chinese nationallanguage ( mandarin ), dialects ( Hakka , South Fukien dialect , Taiwanese minority language ) and Japanese etc.

  3. 白语是我国使用人数比较多的少数民族语言。

    Bai language use quite a lot of in minority languages .

  4. 中国少数民族语言活力排序研究

    Ranking of the Chinese Ethnic Languages in Terms of Their Vitality

  5. 使用和发展少数民族语言文字

    Use and Development of Spoken and Written Languages of Ethnic Minorities

  6. 汉语言研究与少数民族语言结合的一些理论方法问题

    Some Theoretical Methods of Combining Chinese Studies With Minorities ' Languages

  7. 而在中国国内,少数民族语言和汉语的互译工作起步比较晚,本文以研究维吾尔语的语言模型为主,同时使用平滑算法,实现了维吾尔语的语言模型。

    In China , minority languages and Chinese translation work rather late .

  8. 我们系有10来种少数民族语言开了课。

    Our department offers courses in a dozen minority languages .

  9. 少数民族语言规划的新情况和新问题

    The New Phenomena and New Problems in Minority Language Planning

  10. 论我国少数民族语言文字政策的完善与创新

    Perfection and Innovation on Language Policies of Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary China

  11. 民族心理与少数民族语言文字应用

    Ethnic Psychology and the Use of Ethnic Minority Languages

  12. 我国少数民族语言文字法制化的进程和特点

    The Legalized Process and Character of the Minority Languages and Writings in China

  13. 多元文化背景下新疆少数民族语言使用情况调查研究

    Language Practice Investigation Among Xinjiang Minority Under Multicultural Background

  14. 然而,少数民族语言与汉语之间语码转换的研究却很少。

    There are few studies on the language of ethnic minority groups and mandarin .

  15. 个别情况下,也有从少数民族语言音译过来的词语。

    In a few cases , transliterations of some minority languages are used too .

  16. 多元一体与中国少数民族语言

    Diverse Integrity and National Minority Languages in China

  17. 云南少数民族语言数据库

    A Database of Minority Languages in Yunnan

  18. 我国的语言资源包括通用语(普通话)资源、少数民族语言资源、汉语方言资源。

    Chinese language resources include mandarin resources , minority language resou-rces and Chinese dialect resources .

  19. 这项工作也可以作为下一步实现少数民族语言信息化工作的基础。

    This work also can be the base of minority language information processing under Linux .

  20. 少数民族语言与文化研究60年:回顾·反思·展望

    Studies of 60 years on Ethnic Languages and Culture : Review · Reflection · Prospect

  21. 少数民族语言文字的法律保护

    On the Legal Protection of the Languages and Written Scripts of China 's Minority Nationalities

  22. 客家方言与南方少数民族语言共同词语考略

    The Textual Research of Common Words in Hakka Dialect and Minority Languages in South China

  23. 用少数民族语言摄制的故事片达3410部(集)、译制各类影片达10430部(集)。

    As many as3,410 feature films have been produced and10,430 films dubbed in minority languages .

  24. 我国少数民族语言文字权行政保护探讨

    An Inquisition into Administrative Protection for the Minority Nationalities ' Right to Written and Spoken Language

  25. 少数民族语言对黔东南汉语方言语序的影响

    The influence of Minority Languages on the Chinese Dialect Word Order of Qiandongnan , Guizhou Province

  26. 双语及少数民族语言维护

    Bilingualism and Minority Language Maintenance

  27. 本文以汉语为参照,主要参考《中国少数民族语言志丛书》,从共时层面对我国少数民族语言中的一些基本词进行对比分析。

    The present essay compares and analyzes some basic words synchronically in the languages of ethnic minorities .

  28. 加强少数民族语言文字工作监督检查。

    Enhancing supervision and examination on the works of spoken and written languages of the ethnic minorities .

  29. 有人认为政府应该花钱拯救哪些濒临消亡的少数民族语言;

    Some people believe governments should spend money on saving languages of few speakers from dying out completely .

  30. 然而在现阶段,信息化环境下基于少数民族语言开发的资源非常缺少。

    However , at this stage , there are little resource which have been developed by Minority languages .