
shǎo shù fú cónɡ duō shù
  • the minority is subordinate to the majority
  1. 少数服从多数。

    The minority is subordinate to the majority .

  2. 少数服从多数、下级服从上级、局部服从全体、全党服从中央。

    The minority is subordinate to the majority , the lower level to the higher level , the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee .

  3. 这个决策的含义是,在任何给定时间,必须有2个heartbeat节点是活动状态,以便建立quorum(换言之,一种“少数服从多数”的投票规则)。

    The implication of that decision is that at any given time , 2 heartbeat nodes must be active to establish quorum ( in other words , a voting majority ) .

  4. 论有条件的少数服从多数原则

    On the Principle of Conditional Obedience of Minority to Majority

  5. 少数服从多数原则的学理分析

    Theoretical Analysis into the Principle of the Minority Subordinate to the Majority

  6. 一旦投票结束,最终的结果就按照少数服从多数的原则。

    Once voting is completed , the final decision is by simple majority .

  7. 少数服从多数选择原则的多目标方法

    A Multiobjective Method of Selection Principle for the Minority Submitting to the Majority

  8. 基于少数服从多数原则的多目标规划问题的解

    The Solution of Multiple Objects Programming Based on the Principle of Minorities Obeying Majorities

  9. 本文对满足无关方案独立性的少数服从多数规则特性进行了重新刻画,并弱化了有关条件。

    This paper provides a new characterization of majority rule , which satisfies ⅱ A.

  10. (二)党的纪律之一是少数服从多数。

    One requirement of Party discipline is that the minority should submit to the majority .

  11. 惟有一样东西不遵守少数服从多数原则&人的良心。

    The one thing that doesn 't abide by majority rule is a person 's conscience .

  12. 国会一般直接采取少数服从多数和比例代表制来选举。

    The houses of parliament are popularly and directly elected by a mixed majoritarian and proportional representation system .

  13. 少数服从多数有着一系列的局限性,并不是在任何情况下都能适用少数服从多数原则。

    Lastly the essay will clarify the limitations of the principle of the obedience of minority to majority .

  14. “主审法官制”在法律上不符合少数服从多数的合议原则;

    Leading judges conducted trial system is inconsistent with the principle that the minority should be subordinated to the majority .

  15. 合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。

    The principle of the minority being subordinate to the majority is followed in the deliberation of the collegiate bench .

  16. 一反按少数服从多数原则进行决策、无需投票的传统,若干理事正式登记了他们的反对意见。

    Breaking with its tradition of making decisions by reaching a consensus without voting , a minority formally registered its objections .

  17. 但是在利己动机者占大多数时,并不倾向于选择少数服从多数的决策规则。

    While the egoistic members were in a majority , they are not properly to choose the majority rule . 4 .

  18. S.Maskin引入传递性刻画了少数服从多数规则的特性.论有条件的少数服从多数原则

    S. Maskin had provided a characterization of majority rule based on full transitivity . On the Principle of Conditional Obedience of Minority to Majority

  19. 根据表决惯例,少数服从多数,但有权对某一议案持保留意见。

    According to the usual practice of voting , the minority is subject to the majority but entitled to harbor reservations about a certain bill .

  20. 在组织决策中奉行灵活的协商一致原则,不按照少数服从多数等硬性措施通过决议。

    In organization and decision it adopt flexible principle of reaching unanimity through consultation , rather than the rigid rule that minority should obey the will of majority .

  21. 专利池具有可操作性吗?如何决定是否采用专利池(全体通过,还是少数服从多数)?专利池及构建策略研究&以温州企业为例

    Will the pool be operable ? How will decisions be made ( unanimously or by a majority )? Patent Pool and Its Establishing Measures-Take Wenzhou Enterprises as an Example

  22. 一些文明的社会,虽平常是少数服从多数,但在某些事上多数也会尊重少数人的良心。

    In some civilized societies , although the general norm is that the minority obeys the majority , in several cases the majority respects the conscience of the minority .

  23. 本文首先分析了少数服从多数原则以及相关的一系列概念,以明确我们所要讨论的问题的范围。

    This thesis paper firstly analyzes the concepts of the obedience of minority to majority and related , so as to clear the scope of the issues to be discussed .

  24. 突出表现在考虑问题从党的全局出发,事事顾全大局,服从大局。少数服从多数,下级服从上级,局部服从整体,全党服从中央

    " The minority is subordinate to majority , the lower level to the higher level , the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee "

  25. 然后分析适用少数服从多数的理论基础,再在此基础之上指出少数服从多数只是一个裁决原则,是为了得到一个结果的程序,其本身并不含有价值评判和道德评判,它只是一个工具。

    Then it will focus on analyzing the theoretical basis of adopting this principle , aiming at getting such a conclusion that the obedience of minority to majority is only a result of the procedure which itself does not contain any value judgments and moral judgments .

  26. 在假设人员态度的改变方式遵守少数服从多数的规则下,通过计算机模拟给出了二维四方格子两种影响领域(5邻居、9邻居)在周期性边界条件下的舆论传播行为。

    Supposing that the change of people 's attitudes complies with the rule that the minority is subordinated to the majority , we present the propagation behavior of public opinion in the two kinds of affected areas on two-dimension square lattice under periodic boundary condition by computer simulation .

  27. 少数应服从多数。

    The minority should submit to the majority .

  28. 除非另外有规定在董事会的任何会议中,每一位董事都有一票表决权,董事会的所有决定都是少数票服从多数票。

    Except as otherwise provided herein , at any meeting of the Board , each Director shall have one vote and all decisions of the Board shall be determined by a simple majority vote .

  29. 个人必须服从组织,少数必须服从多数,下级必须服从上级,全党必须服从中央。

    Individual Party members must be subordinate to the Party organization , the minority to the majority , the lower Party organizations to the higher , and all Party constituent organizations and members must be subordinate to the Central Committee .

  30. 真理往往是在少数人手里,而少数人必须服从多数人,到头来真理还是在多数人手里,人云亦云就是这样堆积起来的。

    The truth is often in a small number of people , but few people must obey the truth is most people , in most people 's hand , parrot is piling up .