
shǎo shù mín zú
  • minority nationality;national minority;minority
少数民族 [shǎo shù mín zú]
  • [national minority] 多民族国家中人数最多的民族以外的民族,如中国指汉族以外的民族

少数民族[shǎo shù mín zú]
  1. 阅读疗法与少数民族大学生心理素质的培养

    Reading Therapy and Psychological Cultivation of Minority Nationality College Students

  2. 少数民族成人汉语语音学习中的错误归因

    The Causes of the Mistakes Made by the Adult Minority Nationality Students in the Process of the Chinese Language Speech Learning

  3. 警察机关正试图从少数民族中征募更多的新警员。

    The police are trying to recruit more officers from ethnic minorities .

  4. 工作机会少常常会怪到少数民族头上。

    Ethnic minorities are continually scapegoated for the lack of jobs .

  5. 试图在某些少数民族地区限制生育可能会引起问题。

    Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems

  6. 美国的少数民族文化经常引发跨文化冲突问题。

    Minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict .

  7. 政府好像并不觉得其在少数民族权利问题上政策的前后不一有什么不妥。

    The government seems not to be troubled by its inconsistent policies on minority rights

  8. 少数民族人士实际上将沦为无国籍的人。

    The ethnic minorities will be effectively stateless .

  9. 亟须更多来自少数民族群体的治安官。

    There is a crying need for more magistrates from the ethnic minority communities .

  10. 尽管雅库特人是少数民族,但他们却牢牢地掌控着这块版图。

    Although the Yakutians are a minority , they have firm control of the territory

  11. 少数民族占人口的百分之六。

    The minority nationalities account for six per cent of the population .

  12. 这个地区居住有21个少数民族的成员。

    Members of 21 minorities live in this area .

  13. 少数民族中流传着不同的风俗。

    Various customs are current among the national minorities .

  14. 少数民族的利益应该得到保护。

    The interests of the minorities should be protected .

  15. 尽管我们国家的教师和校长们工作出色且全情投入,全国各地那些极为贫困及少数民族聚集的学校的学生仍然受到不公正的对待。

    " Despite the excellent work and deep commitment of our nation 's teachers and principals , students in high-poverty , high - minority schools are unfairly treated across our country . "

  16. 第十条国家根据各少数民族的特点和需要,帮助各少数民族地区发展教育事业。

    Article 10 The State , in light of the characteristics and needs of the different minority ethnic groups , provides assistance to the development of educational undertakings in regions inhabited by the minority ethnic groups .

  17. 党员队伍结构不断优化。年轻党员持续增加。文化程度明显提高。女党员、少数民族党员比重不断提升。

    The composition of Party membership has continuously improved , featuring a rising number of young members , higher education level , and steady growth in the proportion of female members and those from ethnic minority groups , according to the report .

  18. 少数民族学生为主的学校及其他教育机构,可以使用本民族或者当地民族通用的语言文字进行教学。

    In schools and other institutions of education in which students of a minority ethnic group constitute the majority , the spoken and written language used by the specific ethnic group or commonly used by the local ethnic groups may be used for instruction .

  19. 结合珠蛋白遗传多态性的研究&Ⅱ.东北地区5个少数民族的Hp多态性特点

    Studies on Genetic Polymorphism of Haptoglobin ⅱ . Genetic Polymorphism of Haptoglobin among 5 Different Minority Nationalities in the Northeast of China

  20. 中国少数民族考生与外国考生HSK成绩的公平性分析

    DIF Detection and Analysis in HSK Scores of Minority Examinees and Foreign Ones

  21. Uni-code编程技术和文字代码转换是少数民族文字处理的基础,同时也是MDL实现全文检索的关键。

    Unicode programming and code trans-forming are the base of Chinese minority languages text processing , and the key of MDL implementing full text retrieval .

  22. 保护少数民族文化生态有多方面的重要意义。作为保护少数民族文化生态主渠道的民族院校图书馆要做到:建立特色馆藏,为保护少数民族文化生态提供文献和知识储备;

    Library is the main way of protecting minority cultural ecology .

  23. 少数民族多语种小学数学课件的设计与开发

    Mathematics Courseware Design and Development for Elementary Schools in Minority Regions

  24. 新疆少数民族学生汉语介词习得中的空间认知

    On Space Cognition of Chinese Preposition Acquisition by Ethnic Minority Students

  25. 侵犯少数民族风俗习惯罪若干问题研究

    On Some Problems about Crime of Infringement Minority Nationality 's Custom

  26. 少数民族大学生英语自主学习探析

    On Autonomy in College English Learning of Students of Minority Nationalities

  27. 少数民族高等教育经费短缺问题试析

    An Analysis of Shortage of Funds in Ethnic Minority Higher Education

  28. 新疆城镇少数民族家庭观念的变迁

    On the Changes of Household Attachment in Xinjiang Urban Minority Families

  29. 十七年少数民族题材电影中的女性形象

    Women Images in Films on Minorities in the Past 17 Years

  30. 西部少数民族传统体育产业选择初探

    A Way to Industrialization for the Sports Activities of Western Minorities