
  1. 我尽量兼顾越野赛和田径日程表、报社打工以及我的教堂少年班和戏剧班。

    I juggled cross - country and track schedules , newspaper staff , and my church 's youth group and drama team .

  2. 派出少年班远赴巴西受训;

    The junior football class was sent to Brazil to undertake training .

  3. 自1978年中国科学技术大学少年班招生以来,超常教育作为一种特殊的教育形式,逐渐成为中国社会各界关注的焦点。

    Talent education had become the focus since 1978 when China Science and Technology University began to recruit talent students .

  4. 中学阶段英才学生群体的语文教学既不同于中学普通班级的语文教学,也不同于大学少年班或小学阶段英才群体的语文教学。

    The approaches of Chinese teaching designed for middle school SST are different from those for early youth class of universities or primary school pupils .

  5. 学校有9个学院、25个系和少年班、教改试点班,以及研究生院、管理学院(北京)、软件学院、网络教育学院、继续教育学院。

    USTC possesses 9 schools , 25 departments , the Special Class for the Gifted Young , the Experimental Class for the Teaching Reform , the Graduate School , School of Management ( Beijing ) , the Software School , School of Network Education , and School of Continuing Education .

  6. 对女性和少年彩绘班丁斯羽毛是绿色和黄色,绿色,迷彩服务。

    The plumage of female and juvenile Painted Buntings is green and yellow-green , serving as camouflage .

  7. 天津市残疾儿童、少年随班就读调查报告

    A survey report of learning in the regular classroom for the disabled children and youth in Tianjin

  8. 15岁时考入了“满州映画协会”(长春电影制片厂的前身)的少年舞蹈班。

    At the age of 15 , he passed the examination and entered the children 's dance class under the " Manchuria Film association "( predecessor of Changchun Film Studio ) .

  9. 夜神月是一个17岁的少年,在班里的成绩总是遥遥领先。

    Light Yagami is a17-year-old kid who 's top in his class .

  10. 不要忘了少年闪避球班正在招收之中。

    Don 't forget that youth dodgeball classes are forming right now .