
  • 网络Minority shareholder rights;derivative action
  1. 股份公司少数股东权的保护

    Protection of Minority Stockholders ' Equity in Stock Company

  2. 论少数股东权的法律保护&兼论完善我国《公司法》及制度

    On Legitimate Protection of Less-shared Stockholders

  3. 作为资本多数决的例外的少数股东权必须具有正当性和必要性。

    The " minority-share right " must have the validity and necessity to be an exception of the principle of " decided by the majority-share " .

  4. 这一部分从以下个方面论述:要明确股东起诉资格:笔者认为股东资格应由单独股东权和少数股东权相结合。

    This section discusses the following aspects : Shareholders sue to clear : I believe that shareholders should be eligible for individual and minority shareholders the right combination .

  5. 该权利最初是为了补偿少数股东期待权的落空,为其提供公平退出的途径,从而将多数股东从一致同意原则中解脱出来。

    In the first place , the right was intended to compensate the minority shareholders for the loss of veto by providing them with a fair cash exit and therefore to extricate the majority shareholders out of the requirement of unanimous consent .

  6. 新加坡、香港、东京和首尔的交易所中,充斥着相互关联的企业,其控制权可能是不清不楚的(唯一清楚的是少数股东没有控制权)。

    The exchanges of Singapore , Hong Kong , Tokyo and Seoul are littered with interlinked companies where control can be unclear ( save that minorities have none ) .