
shào jiàng
  • major general;rear admiral;air vice marshal
少将 [shào jiàng]
  • [major general] 军衔,将官的一级,低于中将

少将[shào jiàng]
  1. 退休的空军少将、杜克大学(DukeUniversity)法学院教授邓拉普(CharlesDunlap)说,战争行为是政治词汇,不是法律术语。

    Act of war ' is a political phrase , not a legal term , said Charles Dunlap , a retired Air Force Major General and professor at Duke University law school .

  2. 我们希望确保能在这个领域中自由运作,另一位参与网络空间问题事务的空军高级官员查尔斯•伊克斯(CharlesIckes)少将表示。

    We want to ensure that we can operate freely in the domain , says Major General Charles Ickes , another senior Air Force official involved with cyberspace issues .

  3. 据可靠消息,那些被拘捕者当中至少有一位少将。

    According to informed sources , those taken into custody include at least one major-general .

  4. ValveSoftware是人气颇高的在线游戏市场Steam的所有者和经营者。这次合作很可能意味着,该公司的兴趣至少将在一定程度上聚焦于虚拟现实游戏。

    Valve Software owns and operates the popular online game marketplace Steam , which is likely to mean that its interests will be at least part focused on gaming in virtual reality .

  5. 要实现这个想法,我们必须至少将一部分计算转移到CE服务器上。

    For that idea to work , we would need at least part of the computation to be done on the CE server .

  6. 海军少将玛丽·兰德里命令BP公司采取新方法以切断立管和帮助控制设施装在泄露的部位。

    Rear Admiral Mary Landry today directed BP to launch a new procedure whereby the riser pipe will be cut and a containment structure fitted over the leak .

  7. 历史表明,从债务所致的资产泡沫中复苏是个漫长而又痛苦的过程,GDP增长大减速和失业高企的局面至少将持续十年。

    History suggests that recovery from a debt-fuelled asset bubble can be long and painful , with much lower GDP growth and higher unemployment for at least a decade .

  8. 而当投资者判断美联储(Fed)准备关掉音乐、或者至少将再度进入市场干预时,这场派对最终狼狈收场。

    That party ended badly when investors concluded that the US Federal Reserve was ready to turn off the music – or at least to intervene in the market once again .

  9. 这位42岁的特斯拉汽车公司(TeslaMotors)CEO在周二的一次会议上告诉股东,他至少将在目前的岗位上留守4到5年。

    The 42-year-old CEO of Tesla Motors will stay in his job for at least another four to five years , he told shareholders in a presentation Tuesday .

  10. 现场高级官员,海岸警卫队海军少将MaryLandry表示,最初的评估仅仅是每天泄漏1000桶。

    The top official on scene , Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary Landry , says the estimate was only 1000 barrels a day .

  11. JP摩根(JPMORGAN)估计,未来两年,预计这些公司在国际资本市场的投资至少将达到500亿美元。

    Between them they are expected to invest at least $ 50bn in international capital markets during the next two years , JP Morgan estimates .

  12. 上周他第三次加冕美洲杯MVP桂冠,为缺兵少将的阿根廷赢得了一张北京奥运会入场券。

    He added a third MVP designation at the FIBA Americas Tournament last week , helping to lead short-handed Argentina to qualify for the Olympics .

  13. 在每一个路由器至少将数据包的线路存活时间TTL至少减去一个单位,或者更多,如果数据包由于网络拥塞在某路由器停留的话。

    It decrements the TTL by at least one at each router , or more if the packet gets stuck at a router due to congestion .

  14. 美国军方而后确认在袭击中丧生的美国军官是34岁的老兵少将哈罗德J格林。他在喀布尔担任阿富汗联合安全转型指挥部副指挥官。

    The killed American officer has eventually been identified by the US military as Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene , a 34-year veteran , who was the deputy commanding general of Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan in Kabul .

  15. 大部分研究认为FDI或公共支出分别独立的对经济增长发生作用,关于经济增长的理论模型很少将两个因素放在一起研究它们对经济增长的影响。

    The existing endogenous growth theory considers either the effects of FDI or public expenditures on economic growth separately . As far as we concerned , no theoretical growth model has taken into account the interaction effect of these two factors .

  16. 中国工商银行(icbc)昨日从高盛(goldmansachs)获得一项承诺:这家美国银行至少将在一年内继续持有中国这家银行的大部分股份。

    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China yesterday secured a promise from Goldman Sachs that the US bank would hold the majority of its stake in the Chinese lender for at least another year .

  17. 如前面的小节“分步迁移”所述,使用任何新特性时,最好至少将所有完整存储库升级到V7。

    As explained above under " Staged migrations ," when using any new feature , it is preferable to have upgraded at least all full repositories to V7 .

  18. 美国尚未表示还将出多少力,但五角大楼发言人、海军少将约翰•柯比(RearAdmiralJohnKirby)上周表示,美国将继续参与这场行动&只要马来西亚方面需要我们的帮助。

    The US has not said how much more it would provide , but Rear Admiral John Kirby , Pentagon spokesman , last week said it would stay with this as long as the Malaysians need our help .

  19. 美国资深情报官员迈克尔菲尔林(michaelflynn)少将形容道,指挥官们龟缩在基地里,周围是一群分析师,大家对西方誓言保护的民众的关切只有朦胧的把握。

    Major General Michael Flynn , a veteran US intelligence officer , depicted commanders cocooned in bases surrounded by analysts with only a hazy grasp of the concerns of the people the West has vowed to protect .

  20. 美国尚未表示还将出多少力,但五角大楼发言人、海军少将约翰•柯比(RearAdmiralJohnKirby)上周表示,美国将“继续参与这场行动——只要马来西亚方面需要我们的帮助”。

    The US has not said how much more it would provide , but Rear Admiral John Kirby , Pentagon spokesman , last week said it would " stay with this as long as the Malaysians need our help . "

  21. 海军少将麦利凯担心中国东风21型(css-5)中程弹道导弹的发展。

    Admiral McVadon worries about their development of DF-21 ( css-5 ) medium-range ballistic missiles .

  22. 实际上,它饱受内战蹂躏–自1991年MohamedSiadBarre少将的政权倒台之后,一直为分裂的部落式民兵国家。

    It 's a country which has been wracked by civil war & with the nation split among clan-based militias since the fall of the regime of Major General Mohamed Siad Barre in1991 .

  23. Turing的想法是,要通过测验,一台机器需要至少将30%的“平常人”(身份)审问者无法正确地说出辨屏幕背后哪一半是人哪一半是机器。

    Turing 's concept was that a machine would need to fool a minimum of30 % of its " average human " interrogators into not being able to correctly state which half of the screen was which in order to pass .

  24. “联合国军司令部欢迎与朝鲜的这一会谈,它带来了双方建立互信、防止误解的前景,”联合国代表团团长、美国空军少将约翰尼达(johnnyweida)说。

    " The UN command welcomed this discussion with North Korea which holds the prospect for building trust and preventing misunderstanding between the two sides , " said major general Johnny Weida of the US air force , who lead the UN delegation .

  25. Cullum荣升为少将,写有他名字的纪念堂就被用来作为陈列那些著名的已故官员以及陆军学员的毕业生的肖像的场所。

    Cullum , the memorial hall which bears his name has service as a locale for tablets and portraits of distinguished deceased officers and graduates of the Military Academy .

  26. 他们投入了毕生积蓄,为抗议军人担任发言人的退役陆军少将布拉杰什·库马尔(BrajeshKumar)说。抗议者们投诉到了一个全国性的消费者协会。

    They put their life savings in it , said Brajesh Kumar , a retired Army major general and spokesman for the protesting officers , who have taken their grievances to a national consumer commission .

  27. 叛徒泰国少将卡迪亚Sawasdipol衰退后,头部中枪而被泰国曼谷和外国记者采访了2010年5月13日在当地的时刻。

    Renegade Thai major-general Khattiya Sawasdipol slumps on the ground moments after being shot in the head while being interviewed by Thai and foreign reporters in Bangkok on May13,2010 .

  28. 数年前,泰国军方领导人指派少将卡蒂亚(KhattiyaSawasdipol)到曼谷公共市场去给有氧操健身课程带队,结果给自己树立了一个敌人。

    Thai Leader Offers Vote In Risky Move Thailand 's army leaders made an enemy when they assigned Maj. Gen. Khattiya Sawasdipol to lead aerobics-dance classes in Bangkok 's public markets a couple of years ago .

  29. 在国家电视台发表的严厉的声明中,政府试图劝服人们不要阻碍政府建筑。临时委员会成员Mohsenal-Fangari少将警告称,活动积极分子不要脱离和平抗议的轨道,不要做任何危害民族利益的事情。

    In a tough statement broadcast on national television , and designed to discourage people from blocking government buildings as planned , interim council member Major General Mohsen al-Fangari warned activists not to their peaceful approach or do anything that would harm the national interest .

  30. 「们是真正的英雄,」坦少将说。

    " They are the real heroes ," said Maj Sultan .