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zhōng wèi
  • lieutenant;first lieutenant;lieutenant junior grade;flying officer;sublieutenant;lieu feant junior grade
中尉 [zhōng wèi]
  • [first lieutenant;lieu feant junior grade;flying officer] 位于上尉与少尉之间的军衔级别

中尉[zhōng wèi]
  1. 当美国空军前中尉肖恩阿尼特(seanarnette)率领队伍走出位于韩国非军事区南48英里的乌山空军基地(osanairbase)时,他压根儿没有想到过自己会申请攻读商学院。

    When Sean ARNETTE , a former first lieutenant in the US air force , led missions out of Osan air base 48 miles south of the Korean demilitarised zone the last thing on his mind was applying to business school .

  2. 战争开始的时候,我被任命为中尉。

    I accepted a commission as first lieutenant when the war began .

  3. 他和卡西迪中尉正在勘查犯罪现场。

    He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene of the crime

  4. 我是一名海军中尉军官。

    I was a naval officer , lieutenant junior grade .

  5. 你被任命为皇家海军舰艇“鞑靼人”号的皇家海军志愿后备队中尉。

    You are hereby appointed Sub-Lieutenant RNVR of HMS Tartar

  6. 中尉,做这些事情我是新手,你是行家。

    I 'm a novice at these things , Lieutenant . You 're the professional

  7. 瑞安中尉闭上眼睛,先是在脑海里回想了一遍不同的犯罪现场,然后将这些信息联系起来。

    Lieutenant Ryan closed his eyes , first mentally viewing the different crime scenes , then correlating the data .

  8. 中尉被委任指挥一个步兵排。

    The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon .

  9. 在陆军中,中尉是上尉的下级。

    In the army , lieutenants are subordinate to captains .

  10. 他被提升为陆军中尉。

    He was promoted to be a lieutenant in the army .

  11. 中尉现在由1人口增加的1.5人口。侦查小组成员为1人口

    Lieutenants now cap at 1.5 from 1 . Recon at 1 .

  12. 有个士兵没有注意到一个年轻的陆军中尉,没有向他敬礼。

    A private didn 't notice a young lieutenant him .

  13. 中尉很严厉地对那个士兵说:“你没有向我敬礼,因此你要马上敬100个礼。”

    The lieutenant said sternly , " You did not salute me . For this you must immediately salute one hundred times . "

  14. 谢谢我的大学好友DavidKanuth陆军中尉

    Thanks to my college buddy , Army Lieutenant David Kanuth ,

  15. 你看到song中尉了吗?

    Did you see lieutenant song ?

  16. 奥利弗中尉是g连队的前线观察员,干掉他他们就不能使用火炮支援了。

    Lieutenant Oliver is the company 's Forward Observer ; take him out and they won 't be able to call any Fire Missions .

  17. 你是在向我求婚吗,gary中尉?

    Are you proposing to me , lieutenant gary ?

  18. 我觉得根本不可能代替一个像lang中尉一样的人。

    I don 't think it 's possible to replace a man like Lieutenant Lang.

  19. 根据《纽约时报》的报道,军方网站CompanyCommand问中尉山姆•拉克索尔一天最常做的事是什么,他回答说:“制作PowerPoint幻灯片。”

    According to thetimes , when company command asked Lt. Sam nuxoll what he did most of the day , nuxoll responded , " making PowerPoint slides . "

  20. 其中一次营救行动使法瓦中尉引起了教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)的注意。上个月,法瓦中尉作为受邀前往梵蒂冈的意大利海岸警卫队代表团的一份子,见到了教皇方济各。

    One such scene brought Lt Fava to the attention of Pope Francis , whom he met this month as part of a delegation of Italian coastguards invited to the Vatican .

  21. 有一位叶(Yee)中尉来到我的学校询问是否有人想加入这个队伍。

    Lieutenant Yee came to our Stuyvesant High School and asked whether or not I want to join the14th Army Air Force .

  22. 这是对中尉,双重意识的重要部分,正如Bhabha所解释的那样。

    That 's an important part of the double consciousness of the subaltern , as Bhabha expatiates on it .

  23. 她引起了皇室裁缝诺曼·哈特内尔(NormanHartnell)的注意。后者当时正在为1947年伊丽莎白公主与菲利普·蒙巴顿中尉(Lt.PhilipMountbatten)的婚礼设计礼服。

    She caught the attention of the royal couturier Norman Hartnell , who was designing Princess Elizabeth 's dress for her marriage in 1947 to Lt. Philip Mountbatten .

  24. 在与教皇见面前,这位年轻的中尉可以说是默默无闻的。由于地中海对岸大陆上冲突不断,希望抵达意大利海岸的难民数量激增。而教皇曾指责欧盟(EU)放任地中海变成了“一片海洋坟墓”。

    Before meeting the pontiff - who has berated the EU for letting the Mediterranean become " a watery grave " amid a surge in the numbers seeking to reach Italy 's shores as conflicts flare across the sea - the young lieutenant was largely unknown .

  25. 据NPR新闻的奎尔·劳伦斯报道,康涅狄格州警察中尉保罗·万斯表示,彻底查清桑迪胡克小学发生的枪击案需要几周的时间。

    NPR 's Quil Lawrence reports that Connecticut state police Lieutenant Paul Vance says it could take weeks to get a complete picture of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary .

  26. 1981年在新墨西哥州的霍罗门空军基地,他是第一个以中尉身份被任命为F-15飞行员的人。

    He was first assigned to fly F-15s as a first lieutenant at Holloman AFB , New Mexico , in1981 .

  27. 在4月,科学部长NurisOrihuela一位地球物理工程师被撤职了,接替他的是工程师兼陆军中尉JesseChacón。批评者说后者几乎没有科学资质。

    In April science minister Nuris Orihuela a geophysical engineer was dismissed and replaced by Jesse Chac ó n , an engineer and army lieutenant who critics say has few scientific credentials .

  28. 打光一个弹匣后,沃伊中尉跳进一条壕沟。给M-1安上另个弹匣,一次对射,撂倒两名手持斯米瑟冲锋枪德兵。

    When he had used up his clip , Wray jumped into a ditch , put another clip into his M-1 , and dropped the German soldiers with the Schmeissers with one shot each .

  29. 每天有11000名海岸警卫队队员在面积两倍于意大利大陆的海域巡逻,安东内洛•法瓦中尉(LieutenantAntonelloFava)是其中之一,他说话时是军人典型的坚定而沉稳的语气。

    Lieutenant Antonello Fava , one of the 11000 coastguards who every day patrol an area of ocean twice as big as the mainland , speaks in the firm , measured tone you would expect from a military man .

  30. 正是士兵作为一名新上任的步兵中尉,我通过擦拭自己的M-16式自动步枪给全排作个榜样。

    None Other Than a Soldier As a newly commissinaed infantry lieutenant , I was eager to set an example for my platoon by cleaning my own M-16 rifle .