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  • 网络Emperor Zhongzong
  1. 从文化角度对霍桑《红字》的中文译本中宗教语篇的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Chinese Translations of the Religious Discourses in Nathaniel Hawthorne 's the Scarlet Letter from a Cultural Perspective

  2. 中宗时代史书编修的烦恼促成了刘知几的不朽名著《史通》的诞生。

    It is until Emperor Zhong Zong period that Liu Zhiji 's masterpiece Shitong came into being in spite of troubles found in the process of compilation .

  3. 文章对古全浊声母在今晋方言中的四种类型进行了探源,认为今读送气清音声母的最早源头是唐五代汉藏对音《大乘中宗见解》所代表的西北一支方音;

    This paper studies the origin and the evolvement of the four kinds of voiced syllable initials in the present Jin Dialect developing out of their ancient counterparts .

  4. 公元683年(弘道元年),唐高宗病死,太子李显(武则天第三子)即位,是为唐中宗。

    In 683 , Emperor Tang Gaozong died in bed ; the throne prince Li Xian ( Wu , s third son ) became the new emperor , that 's Tang Zhongzong .

  5. 次年,武则天废中宗为庐陵王,另立李旦(武则天第四子)为皇帝,是为唐睿宗,旋即废黜。

    The year , Wu Zetian dethroned him as King of Luling , made Li Dan ( her fourth son ) the emperor , that 's Tang Ruizong , but uncrowned him soon .

  6. 本文首次以“诗会”为题,探讨武后中宗时期宫廷诗人集体吟咏的情况。

    This article focusing " the verse club " as a topic for the first time , probes into the situation which in WuHou Middle time court poets compose poems and chant in response .

  7. 中宗李显庸懦无能,致使皇后韦氏与安乐公主弄权,李旦之子李隆基击败了韦后而即位,改国号开元,是为唐玄宗。

    Because Li Xian was mediocre and incompetent , his queen Empress Wei and his daughter Princess Anle forcibly occupied the power and played politics . Li Longji , Li Dan 's son bom down Empress Wei 's gang and ascended the throne , that 's Emperor Tang Xuanzong , the title of his reign was Kaiyuan .