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  1. 第一人称代词的始元就是我,出现最早使用最广泛,一直到现在成为最常用的形式,其他形式大都消失了;

    The origin of the first personal pronoun is , which is used most widely ;

  2. 西汉昭帝始元六年(公元前81年),又置金城郡。

    West Han Zhaodi only six yuan ( 81 BC ), and Jincheng County home .

  3. 偶像团体组合中的始元和韩庚,在周三到访中国并以被邀嘉宾身份出现在中国头等娱乐节目中!

    Siwon and Hankyung , members of the idol band Super Junior , visited China Wednesday as invited special guests on a lead Chinese entertainment show .

  4. 昭帝始元元年(公元前86年)在今兰州始置金城县,属天水郡管辖。

    Only the first year of Zhao Di yuan ( 86 BC ) in this Maryland home before Jincheng County , Tianshui , a county jurisdiction .