
shǐ zhōng
  • throughout;constantly;ever;all along;from beginning to end;from start to finish;evermore
始终 [shǐ zhōng]
  • [from beginning to end] 自始至终

  • 会议始终在友好的气氛中进行

  • 可是整整过了四百年,始终没有人来解救我。--《渔夫的故事》

始终[shǐ zhōng]
  1. 宴会始终充满亲切友好的气氛。

    The banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmosphere from beginning to end .

  2. 在典型的阻塞I/O(BlockingI/O)中,您始终从一个线程中读取流,并且该线程会一直等待,直到整个流完成。

    In classic blocking I / O , you read a stream from beginning to end in one thread that waits until the entire stream is finished .

  3. 在审讯过程中,他始终把自己说成是受害者。

    Throughout the trial , he portrayed himself as the victim .

  4. 我们始终坚持最高标准。

    We insist on the highest standards at all times .

  5. 到目前为止,工资的增长与通货膨胀始终保持同步。

    Until now , wage increases have always kept pace with inflation .

  6. 我们的宗旨是始终以高标准为顾客服务。

    We aim to maintain high standards of customer care .

  7. 他始终密切关注商机。

    He 's always on the qui vive for a business opportunity .

  8. 在整个审讯过程中,他始终沉默以保持尊严。

    Throughout his trial he maintained a dignified silence .

  9. 她始终关注慈善工作。

    She has always interested herself in charity work .

  10. 她始终抱乐观态度同疾病斗争。

    She fought the disease with unfailing good humour .

  11. 他始终保持着专业人才的风度。

    He maintained a professional demeanour throughout .

  12. 列车始终没有来。

    The train failed to materialize .

  13. 示威游行始终和平地进行。

    The demonstration passed off peacefully .

  14. 尽管他是在农村长大的,他始终对城市的五光十色情有独钟。

    Although he grew up in the country , he 's always had a taste for the bright lights .

  15. 运动团体内部存在争执的传闻始终未断。

    There have been persistent rumours of quarrels within the movement

  16. 在美国网球公开赛决赛中,格拉芙始终保持优势。

    In the United States Open final , Graf retained overall supremacy .

  17. 这个年纪不大的孩子为此始终保持警惕。

    To this end the young child is forever watchful .

  18. 一直以来,我始终认为自己是个女强人。

    I had always considered myself a strong , competent woman

  19. 他的父母设法打消他对音乐的兴趣,但他始终坚持。

    His parents tried to discourage his interest in music , but he persisted

  20. 是家人和老友帮助我始终做到脚踏实地。

    Family and old friends help me stay grounded .

  21. 杰克逊镇定自若,始终克制着情绪。

    Jackson remained calm and always master of his passions

  22. 这项新发明能保证啤酒始终保持丰富的泡沫。

    The new invention ensures the beer keeps a full , frothy head .

  23. 尼科尔森始终坚持创作纯粹简单的艺术,从未动摇过。

    Nicholson never swerved from his aim of making pure and simple art .

  24. 始终购买可调温度的取暖器以节省使用成本。

    Always buy a heater with thermostat control to save on running costs .

  25. 整个挥杆过程中要使杆头始终保持在同一高度。

    Keep the head of the club the same height throughout the swing .

  26. 他始终无法忍受评论界对他的刻薄抨击。

    He never grew used to the lashings he got from the critics .

  27. 我始终对他最为钦佩。

    I have always had the greatest admiration for him

  28. 他对他的妻子始终不离不弃。

    He was constantly at his wife 's side

  29. 政府始终否认使用过凝固汽油弹。

    The government has consistently denied using napalm .

  30. 他一直等到所有的行李都拿走了,但始终没看见葆拉的。

    He waited until all the luggage was cleared , but Paula 's never appeared