首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 小农场主中可能还会有人破产。

    There could be further bankruptcies among small farmers .

  2. 我从未料想到还会见到她。

    I never thought I 'd see her again .

  3. 真是的!他们下一步还会想什么?

    Honestly ! Whatever will they think of next ?

  4. 医生说她还会继续康复。

    The doctor says she should continue to improve .

  5. 个人电脑现在价格便宜,以后还会越来越便宜。

    Personal computers are cheap and getting cheaper .

  6. 说不定我们什么时候还会再见面的。

    Maybe we 'll meet again some time .

  7. 既然她在巴黎待了五年,她的法语怎么还会这样糟糕?

    If she spent five years in Paris , how come her French is so bad ?

  8. 预计还会有人辞职。

    Further resignations are expected .

  9. 哈罗兹还会将你孩子的名字刻在侧面。

    Harrods will also engrave your child 's name on the side

  10. 还会对风力发电的可能性进行研究。

    It should also look into the possibilities of wind-generated electricity .

  11. 谁也说不准谈判还会拖多久。

    There 's no telling how long the talks could drag on

  12. 她显然还会照吃不误,然后把自己吃到恶心。

    She would apparently eat normally and then make herself sick .

  13. 他们会来的,也许还会带邻居来。

    They 'd come and bring their neighbours , like as not .

  14. 风力涡轮机个头大、噪音响,还会破坏周边风景。

    Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape .

  15. 她的针线活很漂亮,并且还会刺绣台布。

    She did beautiful needlework and she embroidered table napkins .

  16. 他们抗议遭受歧视,而且偶尔还会遭到粗暴的对待。

    They have complained of discrimination and occasional rough treatment .

  17. 她到底还会不会讲到重点?

    Was she ever going to get to the point ?

  18. 今年还会出现下降。

    This year can only see a repeat performance of the decline .

  19. 今年除了那些搞笑短剧外,还会有众多乐队登台献艺。

    This year numerous bands are playing , as well as comedy acts

  20. 毋庸置疑他还会再犯的。

    There can be little doubt that he will offend again

  21. 我不确定自己是否还会再相信任何人。

    I 'm not sure I 'll ever trust people again

  22. 尼克出现头痛时脾气就变得很差,甚至还会动粗。

    When his headaches developed Nick became bad-tempered and even violent

  23. 他一准还会杀价。

    Of course he 'll still haggle over the price .

  24. 这些奖只是个开始。其他激动人心的奖励还会接踵而至。

    These prizes are just for starters . Other exciting offers are flooding in

  25. 你还会获得有关如何保持良好发质的专家建议。

    You 'll also get expert advice on keeping your hair in good condition

  26. 他对未知结果的焦虑消散了,这种焦虑过后还会袭上心头,但至少现在还没有。

    His anxiety about the outcome melted , to return later but not yet

  27. 人们仍聚在那里喝啤酒,可能还会打会儿台球。

    People are still hanging out drinking beer , maybe shooting some pool .

  28. 他的傲慢可能还会毁了他。

    His pride may still be his downfall .

  29. 那家公司将有能力支付债务,而且还会赚得一笔可观的利润。

    The firm will be able to service debt and still turn a modest profit

  30. 这个维护方案还会试图保护这些地点不被涂鸦。

    The maintenance programme will additionally seek to keep the sites free of graffiti .