
huán sú
  • secularize;resume secular life;leave the order and resume secular life
还俗 [huán sú]
  • [secularize;leave the order and resume secular life] 出家的僧、尼、道恢复普通人的身分

还俗[huán sú]
  1. 他不堪忍受医院的疾病,逃走后很快又被送回寺庙,被迫还俗。

    Unable to stand ill-treatment there , he fled but was soon brought back to the monastery that forced him to resume secular life .

  2. 欧盟权力过大,还俗不可耐。

    The EU was overmighty and too secular .

  3. 人的还俗与形象的还原&新时期小说的叙事特征及文化倾向研究之二

    Secularized Man and Reduced Image

  4. 伊斯坦布尔的圣索菲亚大教堂曾经是东正教主教圣殿,之后被转变为清真寺,自1934年还俗之后作为博物馆使用。

    Istanbul 's Hagia Sophia was a former Orthodox patriarchal basilica before being converted to a mosque , but is now a museum since being secularized in1934 .

  5. 许多限制措施开始施行,30336个寺院被拆除,大量的僧侣被强迫还俗。

    Many regulations were put into practice . 30 336 temples and monasteries were secularized , and many monks were forced to leave the monasteries and take up secular lives .

  6. 以还俗和证情引入作为异质文化因子的情不清,呼唤中国文化男性人格的回归。

    With the introduction of resuming secular life and confirming the love regarded as the different culture factor 's " affection - disaffection ", it calls for the regression of male character in Chinese culture .