
  • 网络Fan;Vans;Van der Waals;Fan Clan
  1. 范氏口传文学家族民歌解读(之一)

    On Folk Songs by Oral Literature Family of FAN (ⅰ);

  2. 范氏义庄与宋代范氏家族的发展

    Fan 's Free Estate and Development of the Fan Family in Song Dynasty

  3. 范氏气体定压热容量Cp的计算与讨论

    A calculation and discussion concerned with van 's gas heat capacity at constant pressure

  4. 用SHARPPC&1500计算机计算范氏方程常数项

    Calculation of the Constants in the Van Deemter Equation with Sharp PC-1500 Pocket Computer

  5. 本文导出了v摩尔范氏气体几种常见准静态过程的基本关系式,并给予了一定的物理解释。

    The article introduces some common relational formulas of quasi static process of v mol van der Waals Gas and gives a certain physical explanation .

  6. 线性化-优化法回归范氏方程参数

    Estimation of the Parameters in the Van Deemter Equation by Linear Optimization

  7. 麦克斯韦等面积法则在范氏气体中的应用

    Application of Maxwell 's rule of equal-area to van der Waals gas

  8. 对理想气体和范氏气体摩尔热容的再认识

    A Re-discussion on the Molar Heat Capacity of Ideal Gas and van der Waals Gas

  9. 范罕是南通范氏诗文世家第十一代诗人的代表。

    Fan Han represents the eleventh generation of poets in the Literary Family of Fan in Nantong .

  10. 经马范氏染色证实,中央动脉增生血管壁为肌性细胞。

    The proliferative internal membrane was proved to be muscle cells with Masson stain and Van gieeon 's stain .

  11. 接下来,我将把焦点集中在范氏的启示观;我认为,这是他的特殊贡献,能帮助教会思索有关「启示」的教义。

    In what follows , I will focus on what I take to be Van Til 's distinctive contributions to the church 's thinking about revelation .

  12. 应用两种不同方法导出范氏气体的准静态绝热方程,解决了相关文献未能解决的问题。

    The quasi-static adiabatic equations of the Van der Waals gas are derived by using two different method and the unresolved problems in relevant literatures are solved .

  13. 范仲淹创建的义庄,作为一种前无古人的新举措,不但在家族发展史上意义重大,影响深远,而且与宋代范氏家族的发展具有密切关系。

    As a kind of unprecedented new act , the Free estate created by Fan zhongyan was not only important and profound in the developing of the family history , but also germane with the development of the Fan family in Song dynasty .

  14. 与只考虑短程相互作用(即分子间引力的牛球近似)的结果相比较,发现尽管二者给出的定性结论相一致,但短程相互作用近似减小了范氏方程中的修正常数a。

    Comparing with the results obtained by considering short-range interaction ( that is , the half-sphere approximation about the attractive force between molecules ), it is found that the short-range interaction approximation lessens the correction constant a , although the two results are in agreement with each other qualitatively .

  15. 所谓六卿,就是赵、韩、魏、知、范、中行氏六家。

    The so-called six ministers refer to the six noble families , Zhao , Han , Wei , Zhi , Fan and Zhonghang .

  16. 诗礼书香说范家&《南通范氏诗文世家》出版的当代意义

    The Fan Family : Poetry , Rituals , and a Family of Literature & The Contemporary Significance of Publishing The Literary Family of Fan at Nan Tong