
lìng rén
  • cause;make one;cause people
令人 [lìng rén]
  • [cause people;make one] 使人

  • 令人发指

  • 令人兴奋

令人[lìng rén]
  1. 那条下水道的气味足以令人呕吐。

    The smell of the drain is enough to make one throw up .

  2. 好发誓的人所说的话,使人毛发悚然;他的争辩,令人塞耳不闻。

    Their oath-filled talk makes the hair stand on end , their brawls make one stop one 's ears .

  3. 她不能来,实在令人失望。

    It 's a real bummer that she can 't come .

  4. 这部小说的情节几乎到了令人无法相信的地步。

    The plot of the novel stretches credulity to the limit .

  5. 孩子们推动着旋转平台快得令人眩晕。

    The kids were pushing the roundabout at a giddy speed .

  6. 令人难以置信的是,她当时对发生的事一无所知。

    Incredibly , she had no idea what was going on .

  7. 那场棒球赛中有些时刻令人焦虑不安。

    There were a few anxious moments in the baseball game .

  8. 这个工作很容易令人懊恼。

    It 's very easy to get frustrated in this job .

  9. 得知他不识字真令人震惊。

    It was a shock to discover he couldn 't read .

  10. 她令人信服的胜利显示她已恢复状态。

    She signalled her return to form with a convincing victory .

  11. 若只看表面,数字很令人鼓舞。

    Taken at face value , the figures look very encouraging .

  12. 有的人为一己之利而干出的事令人惊讶。

    It 's amazing what some people will do for gain .

  13. 这首诗令人想起艾略特的《荒原》。

    The poem recalls Eliot 's ' The Waste Land ' .

  14. 不过我们仍然是朋友,这令人感到欣慰。

    We are still friends , though , which is good .

  15. 如今求职有时会令人非常沮丧。

    Looking for a job these days can be very depressing .

  16. 知道你要去那里令人感到欣慰。

    It 's comforting to know that you 'll be there .

  17. 这些指示不单令人迷惑,而且肯定会误导人。

    The instructions were not just confusing , they were positively misleading .

  18. 她的容颜显示青春已逝,令人感伤。

    Her face was a poignant reminder of the passing of time .

  19. 他以饰演令人毛骨悚然的汉尼拔∙莱克特而著称。

    He is best known for his chilling portrayal of Hannibal Lecter .

  20. 媒体一直在场十分令人讨厌。

    The constant presence of the media was very intrusive .

  21. 他去世的消息令人震惊。

    The news of his death came as a bombshell .

  22. 办公室的情况和往常一样令人担心。

    Things are as fraught as ever in the office .

  23. 她的演说之所以令人难忘,不是因其内容而是因其辩论方法。

    Her speech was memorable for its polemic rather than its substance .

  24. 在迫不得已时,人的潜能令人惊叹。

    It 's wonderful what you can do when you have to .

  25. 地窖里真令人有点不寒而栗!

    It 's kind of creepy down in the cellar !

  26. 城市的房地产价格令人望而却步。

    The price of property in the city is prohibitive .

  27. 想象着将要只身走遍世界颇令人心悸。

    Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect .

  28. 看到这些年轻人如此坚决真令人鼓舞。

    It is heartening to see the determination of these young people .

  29. 犯罪率日益增长令人忧虑。

    There is anxiety about the rising tide of crime .

  30. 令人遗憾的是这一地区的犯罪率在不断上升。

    Regrettably , crime has been increasing in this area .