
lìnɡ zhuànɡ
  • writ;precept;prerogative order
令状 [lìng zhuàng]
  • (1) [writ]∶用于强行一种权力的文件

  • 收回被侵占土地的令状

  • (2) [precept]∶合法当局授权某人做某事的令状或命令书

  1. 这家公司因违约已接到法院令状。

    The company has been served with a writ for breach of contract .

  2. 输入书记员的判断:仅以归还房产为目的并发出执行判决的令状。不适用民事诉讼法第1174(c)款。(民事诉讼法第1169条)

    Enter clerk ′ s judgment : For restitution of the premises only and issue a writ of execution on the judgment . CCP1174 ( C ) DOES NOT APPLY . ( CCP1169 ) .

  3. 当局发出了逮捕她的令状。

    They issued a warrant for her arrest .

  4. 设备已经按照令状分配好了。

    Equipment is allocated by warrant .

  5. 管理局须发出令状的选举,以填补这些空缺

    Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies .

  6. 虽然情况非常复杂,可我仍相信我们申请保护令状来反对警方建立和利用犯罪嫌疑人DNA数据库的行为是对的。

    " It was pretty disturbing , but I still think we were right " to oppose the suspect database .

  7. 从法律史的角度来看,令状制度(thesystemofwrits)是英国普通法历史上最为重要也最具有特色的司法制度,它和陪审制度一起构成了普通法形成与发展的程序基础。

    The system of writs is one of the most special and important frameworks of English common law .

  8. 苹果公司律师马克·J·施威林格(MarcJ.Zwillinger)去年10月就一宗相关案件发信称,不能通过解读《所有令状法案》,

    Marc J. Zwillinger , a lawyer for Apple , wrote in a letter for a related case in October that the All Writs Act could not be interpreted to

  9. 就像苹果公司指出的,FBI并没有要求国会通过立法来解决关于加密的分歧,而是对1789年的《所有令状法案》(AllWritsAct)提出了一种看起来很新颖的解读。

    As Apple noted , the F.B.I. , instead of asking Congress to pass legislation resolving the encryption fight , has proposed what appears to be a novel reading of the All Writs Act of 1789 .

  10. 但是苹果公司对此表示反驳称,自从该公司于去年10月份受奥伦斯坦法官之邀挑战政府1789年的《所有令状法案》起,已经反对过帮助从十几部iPhone上提取信息的要求。

    Apple argues that it has opposed requests to help extract information from more than a dozen iPhones since being invited to challenge the government 's use of the 1789 All Writs Act by Judge Orenstein in October last year .

  11. 但国家安全领域的律师表示,布鲁克林的案件也很重要,因为奥伦斯坦法官的判决,有望成为对政府依照《所有令状法案》要求苹果解锁有密码保护的iPhone的权力做出宏观审核的第一个判例。

    But national security lawyers say the Brooklyn case remains important , because Judge Orenstein 's decision is expected to be the first to offer a broad examination of the government 's authority under the All Writs Act to force Apple to unlock passcode-protected iPhones .

  12. 人身保护令(TheWritofHabeasCorpus)作为普通法古老的特权令状,是由法院向羁押者签发一份命令,要求羁押者将被羁押者提交法院以审查羁押的合法性。

    As an ancient privilege writ in the common law , the Writ of Habeas Corpus is a kind of order issued by the court requiring the detainee submitted to the court to review the legality of the custody .

  13. FBI局长詹姆斯•科米(JamesComey)本周在美国国会听证会上针对造就“抗令状空间”的危险发出警告,他表示:“我们用来保护人们安全的手段正逐渐失去效力。”

    James Comey , FBI chief , warned at a congressional hearing this week of the dangers of creating " warrant-proof spaces , " saying : " The tools we use to keep you safe are becoming less and less effective . "

  14. 信中还表示,自去年12月起,苹果在多起案件中拒绝了司法部通过《所有令状法案》(AllWritsAct)迫使其合作的要求。依据这项1789年的法案,法院可以要求当事人按其命令行事。

    Starting in December , the letter says , Apple has in a number of cases objected to the Justice Department 's efforts to force its cooperation through a 1789 statute known as the All Writs Act , which says courts can require actions to comply with their orders .

  15. 中世纪英国令状制度与普通法的发展

    English Writ System In Middle Ages and Development of Common Law

  16. 该章详细论述了亨利二世法律改革与令状的司法化。

    This chapter fully explains the legal reforms of Henry II .

  17. 债权人可以获得逮捕债务人的令状。

    Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors .

  18. 执行令授予官员执行判决的令状

    A writ empowering an officer to enforce a judgment .

  19. 法院发出了逮捕他的令状。

    The court issued a warrant for his arrest .

  20. 若有法院令状(在1227年),诉讼请求可被执行;

    If a writ existed ( in1227 ) a claim could be enforced ;

  21. 法院被要求更改令状的条件。

    The court had been asked to vary the condition of the order .

  22. 他接到要求他退还信件的令状。

    He was served with a writ for the return of the letters .

  23. 我有逮捕你的令状。

    I got a warrant for your arrest .

  24. 向被控犯诽谤罪的某人送交令状。

    Serve sb with a writ for libel .

  25. 令状主义早在13世纪的英国就得到了初步的建立。

    The doctrine of warrant had been preliminarily established early in the 13th century .

  26. 日常和夏季用水令状夏季白令海温跃层和中层冷水的分布特征

    The distribution of thermocline and middle cold water in the Bering Sea in summer

  27. 发布一项针对某人的令状

    To issue a writ against someone

  28. 中世纪令状制度对普通法形成发展的作用

    The Function of Wwit Systerm in Middle Ages to the Formation and Develoment of Common Law

  29. 令状主义研究

    Research on the Doctrine of Warrant

  30. 对他迟付账单至少发现了7次令状。

    There have been at least seven writs issued against him for late payment of bills .