
  • 网络Dyed fabric;DYEING CLOTH;SOLID DYED;dyeing fabric
  1. 染色布的色光回修

    Shade Repair of Dyed Fabric

  2. 虽然BAS的上染率较低(7%~11%),染后的布块颜色较浅,但染色布吸附食用油后,用水洗脱的油量明显比白布多,是其2~3倍。

    The dyeing ratio of BAS is low , and the color of dyed cloth is pale , but the amounts of absorbed deoiling from the dyed cloth washed by water are 2 ~ 3 times bigger than white cloth .

  3. 连续轧染的色差控制染色布色差控制浅析

    Color difference control in continuous pad dyeing

  4. 主要从事坯布、染色布、印花布、牛仔布、灯芯绒、服装等进出口业务。

    LTD , is an import & export company which mainly deals with textile business .

  5. 主要销售家纺产品,包括床件套,染色布,毛巾等。

    We mainly sell home textile products , including bedding sets , dyed fabrics and towels and etc.

  6. 我公司是一家专业生产棉类染色布、色织布的公司,主营梭织类产品。

    Our company is a professional manufacturer of cotton products , companies , company 's main woven products .

  7. 我公司生产的全棉、棉涤、棉锦、锦棉弹力和无弹染色布、色织布在同行业中享有开发力强、产品质量优质的美誉度。

    The company produces cotton , Cotton Polyester , Cotton Nylon , Nylon elastic and non-elastic products in the industry have developed strong , quality high-quality reputation .

  8. 杭州汇泰印花有限公司主营纯亚麻类坯布,亚麻、苎麻等麻类和化纤及棉类的染色布、印花布。

    Hang Zhou Hui Tai Printing Company Co. , Ltd main products include grey of100 % linen , linen , ramie , Chemistry fiber , cotton fabric 's dyeing and printing .

  9. 我认为那些没有染色的印花布太单调了。

    I thought the uncoloured prints terribly dull .

  10. 对染色后的针织布进行染色效果、色牢度的测试分析。

    The dyeing effect and colour fastness on the knitted fabric are analyzed .