
rǎn sè tǐ sǔn shānɡ
  • chromosome damage
  1. 环磷酰胺诱发的染色体损伤与P53基因表达的关系

    Relationship between chromosome damage induced by cyclophosphamide and expression of mutated p53 gene

  2. 目的:探讨环磷酰胺(cyclophosphamide,CP)对染色体损伤与P53基因表达间的关系。

    Purpose : To study the relation between chromosome damage induced by cyclophosphamide ( CP ) and the expression of mutated P53 gene .

  3. 结论低剂量MMC可以减轻辐射所致的染色体损伤,具有辐射防护作用。

    Conclusion Low dose MMC has a better radiation prevention effect .

  4. 说明,巴旦杏仁抗突变,保护染色体损伤,有促进DNA修复作用。

    Which reveals that the Amygdalus communis has the functions of resistance to the mutation and of protecting the chromosomes against harm as well as of promoting the DNA repair .

  5. 在小鼠体内微核试验中,DBA在一定剂量范围内可引起染色体损伤。

    Mouse bone marrow micronucleus test indicated that DBA induced the damage of chromosome .

  6. 因此,向受照射的淋巴细胞的培养物中加入外源性的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)以清除损伤DNA的超氧自由基(O2~-),可减少辐射诱发的染色体损伤。

    Therefore , chromosome damage induced by radiation may be reduced by adding exogenous SOD into the radiation exposed lympho-cytes culture to eliminate the superoxide free radical which damages DNA .

  7. 结论在本试验条件下,未发现MTBE无铅防爆汽油有致突变性和染色体损伤作用。

    Conclusions No mutagenicity and damage to chromosome caused by MTBE unleaded gasoline was found in this experiment .

  8. XPD基因多态性与辐射致染色体损伤关系

    Study on polymorphism of XPD gene and radiation-induced chromosomal damage

  9. 我们初步认为,TFD对X线诱发的染色体损伤可能具有修复功能,并对其修复的可能机理予以初探。

    We suggested that TFD could repair the chromosome damage induced by X-irradiation , and discussed the repairing mechanism .

  10. 结果表明:DCAP是一种染色体损伤剂,诱发的畸变主要为染色单体断裂和交换;

    Results showed that DCAP was clastogen and the aberrations were mainly chromatid breaks and exchanges .

  11. 结论大气颗粒有机提取物可致小鼠染色体损伤,其损伤程度可能与EOM中所含的PAHs种类和含量有关。

    Conclusion The organic extracts of air particulates could cause the chromosomal damages of mice , the degree of which was associated with the kinds and contents of PAHs in the organic extracts .

  12. 目的:研究重组病毒巨噬细胞炎性蛋白(rvMIP)的致畸胎和致细胞染色体损伤作用。

    AIM : To explore the effects of viral macrophage inflammatory protein ( rvMIP ) on teratogenicity and the rate of micronucleus .

  13. 结果表明1,2,4-TCB对大蒜根尖分生细胞具有有丝分裂抑制和染色体损伤作用,具有明显的遗传毒性。

    Conclusion is that 1,2,4-TCB could inhibit the mitosis and damage the chromosomes of root meristematic cells of A. sativum seedlings , suggesting that 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene has clear genetic toxic effects on plant cells .

  14. 方法采用彗星试验和胞质分裂阻断微核试验(CBMN),在体外检测2450MHz微波(5.0mW/cm2)与MMC诱发的DNA单链断裂及染色体损伤的情况。

    Methods Single strand DNA breaks and chromosomal aberrations were measured by comet assay and cytokinesis blocked micronucleus ( CBMN ) test in vitro when human lymphocytes were exposed to 2 450 MHz microwave ( 5.0 mW / cm 2 ) alone and in combination with mitomycin C.

  15. 温度条件对染色体损伤修复的影响

    The Effect of Temperature Condition on the Repair of Chromosome Lesions

  16. 发芽试验结果与染色体损伤结果相符。

    The resultsof seed-germination tests corresponded to that of chromosomes damage .

  17. 蜂胶抑制诱变剂诱发基因突变及染色体损伤作用的研究

    Antagonistic effect of propolis on mutation and chromosome aberration induced by mutagens

  18. 对照射后蚕豆根尖下细胞中的染色体损伤情况进行了研究。

    Studied on chromosome damage in cells of broad bean root tip .

  19. 病毒性肝炎免疫功能与染色体损伤的研究

    The study of immunity function and chromosome damage in viral hepatitis patients

  20. 接苯工人外周血染色体损伤研究

    Damage of chromosome in peripheral lymphocytes of occupational benzene-exposed workers

  21. 微核是染色体损伤和染色体稳定性的一种可靠性指标。

    Micronucleus is a reliable marker of chromosome damage and chromosomal instability .

  22. 职业性接触抗癌药物的护士染色体损伤调查

    An investigation on the chromosomal damage in nurses occupationally exposed to antineoplastic drugs

  23. 增温与电离辐射对人外周血淋巴细胞染色体损伤的影响

    Effect of hyperthermia and radiation on the chromosomal damage in human peripheral lymphocytes

  24. 结论硫芥能直接诱发细胞染色体损伤。

    Conclusion Sulfur mustard can directly induce chromosome damage .

  25. 目的比较不同装修材料对小鼠免疫功能的影响及对小鼠染色体损伤的作用,为装修材料的评价提供依据。

    Objective To compare the immunotoxicity and genotoxicity of different ornamental materials in mice .

  26. 但不具绒毛染色体损伤效应。

    But its effect on chromosome damage of chorionic villi cells need further study .

  27. γ射线照射人正常肝细胞染色体损伤的修复

    Kinetic repair of chromosome breaks in normal human liver cells irradiated with γ - rays

  28. 亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶基因单体型与焦炉作业工人染色体损伤易感性的关系

    Association between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene haplotypes and the susceptibility of chromosomal damage in coke-oven workers

  29. 结果提示肝炎病毒感染有致染色体损伤的作用。

    The result showed that hepatitis virus infection has a distinct action on chromosome damage .

  30. 预缺氧对急性放射小鼠存活和染色体损伤的影响

    The effect of hypoxic preconditioning on the survival and chromosome damage of acute radiated mice