
rǎn zhī
  • dyeing and weaving
  1. 染织设计教学随想

    Thoughts on Dyeing and Weaving Design Teaching

  2. 本文介绍它在染织纹样艺术方面的成就,并对它在不同时期中表现的不同风格进行了分析。

    This article gives an introduction to its achievements in the aspect of the art in dyeing and weaving patterns and analyses its different styles in different times .

  3. 本实验使用PAC作为絮凝剂,对染纱厂牛仔布染织过程中所产生的靛蓝染料废水进行了相应的处理。

    The Indigotin dye wastewater was treated by PAC as a flocculant , the optimum conditions were determined by orthogonal experiment .

  4. CHFR-1型阻燃整理剂的合成及其在色织布上的应用日本传统染织纹样与其文化内涵

    Synthesis of Flame Retardant CHFR-1 and Its Application to Yarn-Dyed Textiles The Japanese traditional yarn-dyed pattern and its culture

  5. 从浙江甲种工业学校看我国近代染织教育

    Observe China 's Modern Textile Education through Zhejiang A-type Technology School

  6. 古代波斯的染织艺术及其与中国的关系

    Relation between Ancient Persian and Chinese Weaving and Dyeing Arts

  7. 中国的传统染织纹样及其对日本染织纹样的影响

    Traditional motifs of Chinese textiles and its influence on Japanese textile motifs

  8. 浙江畲族传统彩带的民俗文化与染织技术

    Folk Culture and Textile Technology of Shes ' Traditional Sash in Jingning

  9. 中西染织图案的美感特征和相互演化

    The Aesthetic Features of Chinese and Western Dyeing-Weaving Patterns and Their Mutual Transformation

  10. 染织设计教育的现状与发展方向

    The Situation and Development Tendency of Textile-Dying Design Education

  11. 中国长三角地区拥有丰富的染织类非物质文化遗产。

    Yangtze River Delta is abundant in the intangible cultural heritages of textile .

  12. 现有染织艺术设计和服装艺术设计两个专业方向。

    At present , offering two specialties in textile design and fashion design .

  13. 染织物色深的探讨

    The Discussion of Depth of Dye - textiles

  14. 日本传统染织纹样与其文化内涵

    The Japanese traditional yarn-dyed pattern and its culture

  15. 钟绍林染织艺术作品

    Zhong Shaolin 's Dying & Weaving Art Works

  16. 染织艺术设计实践的思考

    Thoughts over Practice of Artistic Textile Design

  17. 剑杆织机染织生产线计算机监控与管理系统

    Computer monitoring and management system for weaving and dyeing production lines based on GTM looms

  18. 荧光染料上染织物的荧光发射率测定

    Fluorescence Measurements of Fluorescent Dyes on Fabric

  19. 黑白之旋律谈染织设计基础训练之一花卉构成

    Rambles on Floral Composition , One of the Basic Training Courses in Weaving and Dyeing Design

  20. 染料分子在纤维上的状态直接影响被染织物的K/S值和艳度。

    The state of dye in fiber has influence on K / S value and brilliance .

  21. 挪威现代染织设计作品

    Modern Textile Design Works in Norway

  22. 广泛应用于合成纤维、涂料、医药、农药、食品添加剂、染织等行业。

    Glacial acetic acid can be uses broadly in synthetic fibre , dope , medicine , pesticide industry .

  23. 本课题使用的天然染料植物靛蓝,不仅可以上染织物,还具有良好的艺术价值和药用价值。

    The use of natural indigo plant can not only dye fabric , but also has a good artistic value and medicinal value .

  24. 彩带是畲族服饰中最具装饰性的织品,其文化内涵和传统染织技术颇具代表性。

    Sash is the best ornament weaving fabric in She Minority 's costumes and ornaments and its culture and traditional textile technology are typical .

  25. 拆迁队到达杭州万强丝绸染织厂的时候,天还没亮,员工们还在宿舍里睡觉。

    It was just before dawn when the demolition crew arrived at Wanqiang silk dye factory , and staff were still asleep in the dormitory .

  26. 与合成染料相比,天然染料上染织物对皮肤无致癌性和致敏性,且兼具生物可降解性和环境相容性优点。

    Compared with synthetic dyes , natural dyes are non-carcinogenic and hypo-Allergenic to skin . Moreover , they have the advantages of biodegradability and environmental compatibility .

  27. 介绍了酸化水解/生物氧化/光化工艺在苎麻染织厂高浓度有机废水处理中的应用。

    The paper introduces the application of acidifying-hydrolysis / biological oxidation / photochemical process to treatment of a ramee retting wastewater with high concentration of organics .

  28. 新乡市染织厂9号住宅楼基础工程,属于一个典型的老城区改造工程实例。

    The foundation engineering of No. 9 residential building Xinxiang Printing and Dyeing Mill is a typical actual example of the reformed engineering for old city proper .

  29. 文章根据实地调研、实例分析和文献对比,对浙江畲族彩带的民俗文化和染织技术等进行了较为详细的探讨。

    This paper discusses carefully folk culture and textile technology of She ' sash in Zhejiang by adopting the methods of on-the-spot investigation , example analysis and literature contrast .

  30. 染织行业的浆染生产废水具有浓度高、色度大和含有大量难降解有机物的特点,属于难降解、污染重的工业废水。

    The starching-dyeing wastewater is characterized by high concentration , high color , and high content of refractory organic matters , and is of refractory and heavily polluted industrial wastewater .